The Most Important Civil War Generals
Introduction: The Civil War has some of the most famous and important Generals of American History. We look back into history remembering these men and the greatness they have bestowed upon our countries foundation.
Tasks: Your tasks are: - Read each biography of the following generals. - be able to recount their history and what they did during the Civil War that makes them so great. - Find two facts that you found interesting and might have not know about them. Extend your knowledge of the Civil War for extra credit by doing an online game and presenting an article on one of the generals.
The Procedure: For this assignment - Read biographies on Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant. (Take NOTES) - Write a short summary on each of these men. What their accomplishments are, where are they from, what was their part during the war…etc. - Then once the following procedures are done, write down two interesting facts that you learned after the readings or had already known.
Resources: Robert E. Lee biography lee.html lee.html Stonewall Jackson biography jackson.html jackson.html Ulysses S. Grant biography Extend your Knowledge. war/ war/
Evaluation: This assignment will be evaluated on: - your basic understanding of each biography in your own words - completion - and your two facts. Summaries are worth 10 points each Two facts are worth 10 points total so 5 points each Extra credit is a total of 5 points each.
Conclusion: My hope is that you get a better understanding of each general and who they were during this time of war. I want you to be interested and full of new knowledge. For extra resources here are some extra links Game/1,16378,gettysburg-main.htm,,00.html? Game/1,16378,gettysburg-main.htm,,00.html? related resource related resource