TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 93 Date: Jan. 19/20, 2012 Titles: “Unit Cover for Civil War” Page 92. Ch. 14 Vocab Quiz Slavery and Causes for Civil War Quiz Test Answer Sheet
TITLE: Page 95 Homework: Date: Jan 24/25, 2012 Titles: “Mid-Term Study Guide” Page 94 RAP: WIO: Unit Concept Map-pick the unit which you believe you will need to study the most and create a concept map using vocabulary words, people, and concepts from that unit. “How is it all connected?” WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Mid-Term Study Guide” 3)Review Game for Mid-Term Test 4)WIO Study for Mid-Term Finish Concept Map on WIO Castle Learning Assignments (3) How do I prepare for a test on everything we have learned in the 1 st Semester? Look at your past Unit Trackers. What goals or topics do you need to REALLY review? Pick at least 4. *
TITLE: Page 97 Homework: *Civil War Battle Chart- highlight and draw symbol for each battle *Study Ch. 15 Vocabulary for Vocab Quiz Date: Jan 30/31, 2012 Titles: “Ch. 15 Vocab, Secession Continuum, Civil War in NC” Page 96 RAP: WIO: Create Pro/Con Chart for NC being a part of Confederacy. List at least 2 reasons for each. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Ch. 15 Vocabulary” 3)“Secession Continuum” Label where each group would lie on the Spectrum 4)“Civil War in NC” Reading 5)WIO Creating America Book p. 475 “A View from the Past” S O A P S Tone What was NC’s role in secession and in the Civil War?
TITLE: What were the military advancements and strategies of the Union and Confederacy during the Civil War? Page 99 Homework: *Civil War in NC Battle Map *Study for Quiz on US and NC Civil War battles from Battle Chart *EXTRA CREDIT DUE Feb. 10 th !! Look on website and Edmodo for the specific words! *EDMODO! Date: Feb 1/2, 2012 Titles: “Civil War Battle Chart, Civil War Notes, Civil War Battle Map” Page 98 RAP: WIO: Gettysburg Address- 5 W’s Use NC p. 347 Who What When Where Why WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Civil War Battle Chart” 3)Ch. 15 Vocab Quiz 4)“Civil War Notes” Cornell Style 5)“Civil War Battle Map” *Use Blue for Union victories and advancements *Use Red for Confederacy victories and advancements 6)WIO Technology of the War -
TITLE: Page 101 Homework: *Ch. 16 Vocabulary- p. 103 in NB *EXTRA CREDIT DUE Feb. 10 th !! Look on website and Edmodo for the specific words! *EDMODO! Date: Feb 3/6, 2012 Titles: “NC Battle Map, Costs/Effects of War” Page 100 RAP: WIO: Lincoln’s Assassination: 5 W’s Use Creating America p Who What When Where Why WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “NC Civil War Battle Map” 3)Battles Scavenger Hunt 4)Battles Quiz 5)Finish Civil War Battle Map -5 minutes! -collected for a grade 6)“Costs/Effects of the War”-place terms under PERSIA theme where they apply 7)WIO Read and Answer 5 W’s on John Maffitt- Blockade Runner. NC book p. 353 What were the effects of the Civil War on the United States?
TITLE: Page 103 Homework:Read Ch. 16 Sections 1-3 (p ) and create a 9 question quiz from reading based on what you think are the most important things to understand about Reconstruction. (3 questions per section). Put on separate sheet of paper. Quiz can be any format you choose. *EXTRA CREDIT DUE Feb. 10 th !! Look on website and Edmodo for the specific words! *EDMODO! Date: Feb 7/8, 2012 Titles: “Ch. 16 Vocab, Southern Military Districts, Reconstruction Plans” Page 102 RAP: WIO: What is Freedom? Video Guide WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Ch. 16 Vocab” 3)Reconstruction Video 4)“Southern Military Districts” –fill in blanks from Classzone.com 5)“Reconstruction Plans”- Fill in answers and formulate your idea for your own plan based on chart What was Reconstruction and its goal? Analyze effectiveness of conflicting plans. 5 W’s on Visual on p. 362 in NC Book
TITLE: Page 105 Homework: *Study Guide for Civil War and Reconstruction- Answer at least the Odds! *EXTRA CREDIT DUE Feb. 10 th !! Look on website and Edmodo for the specific words! *EDMODO! Date: Feb 9/10, 2012 Titles: “End of Reconstruction, Steps Towards Equality” Page 104 RAP: WIO: WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- Ch. 16 Sec 1-3 Quizzes 3)“End of Reconstruction Notes” –Cornell 4)“Steps Towards Equality” -Follow instructions on sheet to decipher whether Reconstruction helped or hurt life for African Americans in America. Create a Venn Diagram of the two Reconstruction Plans. What were the effects of Reconstruction on varying groups of Americans and North Carolinians? Write your answers to the quiz you take on WIO. What topics were asked about?, vocabulary words? Did you see similarities/differences in your quiz versus theirs? Was it a fair quiz? What could have made the quiz more fair?
TITLE: Page 107 Homework: *Study for Test! *Prepare for NB Check *Unit Cover p.93 *EDMODO! Date: Feb 13/14, 2012 Titles: “Civil War/Reconstruction Study Guide, Reconstruction DBQ” Page 106 RAP: WIO: Unit Cover p. 93- Timeline of 10 Facts and 5 Pictures from Civil War and Reconstruction. Years Use Ch in NC Book. WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Civil War/Reconstruction Study Guide” 3)Review Steps Towards Equality –p )“Reconstruction DBQ”-Writing notes and outline 5)WIO What is the essential question on DBQ and predict the answer in a paragraph format. What are the steps to organizing, analyzing, and writing a DBQ essay?
TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 109 Date:Feb. 15/16, 2012 Titles: “Unit Cover for Industrialization, Progressives, and WWI” Page 108. Battles Quiz Ch. 15 Vocab quiz Test Answer Sheet 1)Test- You need to make this up ASAP 2)Check HW- Unit Cover p. 93- please show me ASAP 3)Reconstruction DBQ Assignment -Follow directions on assignment Homework: Finish DBQ Assignment Ch. 17 Vocabulary. Put on page 111 in NB *Notebook Check next class!