8/21 Igniter (Sit – do ) In your science NB (notebook) or a piece of paper, write three school appropriate questions you have regarding me or the class this year. Mr. Kendra – 8 East Science
All PD’s on desk at all times
What happens if you break Rule #1?
Discipline Policy Option 1 Three (3) hand written summaries due at the beginning of class the next period. Option 2 Detention before or after school – my choice (You will clean desks, sinks, floors, ect…)
You will automatically be assigned summaries. If you do not want to write summaries you must notify me by the end of class. I will then write you a detention. Summaries are a substitute for a detention. Failure to complete by the beginning of next class period will result in two (2) detentions. Skipping /abbreviating as much as one word counts as incomplete. Summaries are between you and I. Parents usually are not notified. Summaries are recorded as a detention in my records.
No Bathroom Passes Don’t ask me
Texts From Science to Reminders will be sent out periodically Do NOT REPLY to these TEXTS – they will not be read nor answered School (From FIS) is best way to contact me
What do I need for this class? Spiral notebook everyday 4 th - Red 5 th – Blue 6 th – Red 7 th – Blue 8 th – Green Book everyday
What will we be studying? 1 st – Forces and Motion, Energy 2 nd – Astronomy 3 rd -- Waves and Sound 4 th -- Genetics / Chemistry (SI)
How many tests/quizzes? Two common interim assessments per nine week One common assessment at end of nine weeks Three combined make 80% of Grade
How much homework? Most likely every class period due to block schedule The amount of homework depends on how hard you work during class. Homework is 20% of grade Quizzed on HW
Will you collect and grade homework? The following may be done regarding your homework: –No check at all –Collect and grade for points –Check it – no grade –Most homework will be graded hw checks (quizzes)
Stand up please.
Leaving the Room Females before males – always!!!
Get your Notebook ASAP