Mrs. Sanderson’s 1st Grade Classroom Procedures
When You Get To School Go to your desk. Take out your STAR folder. Put your folder in the basket. Turn in homework. Hang your book bag on the hook outside the classroom. Pick up your breakfast. Eat quickly. Throw away your paper. Start your morning work. Start on writing prompt.
Entering the Classroom Walk into the room quietly. Sit down at your desk or at your floor spot. Listen for directions.
When You Have Notes or Money From Home Carry it in your backpack. Give it to your teacher right away. Be proud that you are a responsible student.
Body Basics Sit on the floor facing the teacher. Do not touch your neighbor. Cross your legs in front of you or tuck them under you. Put your hands in your lap. Use your ears, not your mouth.
Line Basics Line up in order. Face forward. Voices off. Don’t touch the person in front of or behind you. Walk quietly through the hall with your hands by your sides. Do not touch the walls or lockers.
When You Have A Question Raise your hand if the teacher is talking. Wait until the teacher is looking at you. Ask your question.
If You Are Hurt Or Sick At School Get the teacher’s attention immediately. Have a friend help you if you need it. The teacher will give you a pass or take you to the nurse. Mom & Dad will be called if needed.
When You Need To Use the Bathroom Raise your hand and wait for the teacher’s attention. Walk silently out the room and down the hall. Use the toilet, flush and wash your hands quickly. Walk silently back to the room.
When You Need A Kleenex Raise your hand and get the teacher’s attention. Walk silently to the nearest tissue box. Quickly use the tissue and throw it in the garbage. Walk silently back to your seat.
If Your Pencil Breaks Look in your box for another sharpened pencil. Put your broken lead pencil in the can to be sharpened. Take a pencil out of the sharpened pencil can.
When You Need Supplies Wait until you have the teacher’s attention. Ask the teacher where to find the supplies that you need. Say “Thank You” when you get the supplies.
Attention Please When the teacher shuts the light off - Stop, Look & Listen Listen to the teacher for further directions.
When You Are Finished Working Look at your work to make sure that it is your very best work. Draw a star beside your name on your paper. Put your work in your classwork folder. Check your work folder for other work to finish. Select a book from the basket. Read quietly.
When the Recess Whistle Blows Listen for three blows of the whistle by the recess teacher. Quickly stop what you are doing and line up on the class line. Use line basics and be a listener. Walk quietly into the school when the class comes in.
When You Come In From Recess Walk to your seat. Stand behind your chair until everyone is in the classroom. Teacher will give you a signal to be seated. Teacher will call one student at a time to go to restroom and get water.
Going To Lunch - #1 The class helper will pass out hand sanitizer. Use line basics in the classroom and hallway. Stand in line quietly waiting for your lunch. Enter the line to pick up your lunch when the teacher gives you the signal. Pick up your lunch tray and say “Thank You”.
Going To Lunch - #2 Say your first and last name or enter your lunch number. Walk to our table and sit at your assigned seat. Eat quietly until the lunch card is turned to green. Then you may talk quietly with your tablemates. When you finish your lunch wait quietly until the teacher lines you up to throw away your tray.
When You Hear The Tornado Alarm Stop what you are doing and listen to the teacher. Move silently to the door. Walk with the teacher to the safe zone. Stay on the floor with your hands over your head. Wait until the teacher says “All Clear”.
When You Hear The Fire Alarm Stop what you are doing and look for the teacher. Quickly and quietly line up at the door. Walk silently out the front door and line up by the picnic tables. Listen for directions from the teacher.
When There Is A Lockdown Stop what you are doing and look for the teacher. Quickly and quietly move to the floor by the small group area. Sit quietly and listen for directions from the teacher.
If The Teacher Is Out of the Room Sit or work quietly until the teacher returns. Do not go out ithe door to find the teacher unless someone is throwing up or bleeding.
At The End of the School Day Listen to the teacher for directions. Gather your take home and homework folders. Get your things from your coat hook and put them on. Put your chair up and stand quietly next to your desk. Teacher will dismiss students.