Welcome to Ms. Moran’s Learning Paradise Ms. Moran
Do Now Draw on your work portfolio with images that represent you.
Objective SWBAT understand and Practice routines and procedures for school year
Share Out!!! My name is ……… I drew __________ because__________.
Paradise Rules Be Respectful Be responsible Be Ready
Consequences Redirection # 1 Redirection #2 Cool Down “Go to the North Pole” Buddy Teacher ( loss of points) Parent Communication- Conference Office Referral and Administrative Disciplinary Action
Introducing... ClassDojo!
Rewards For Positive Behavior 5 Points = Positive Note Home 10 Points Positive Phone Call Home 20 Points = Lunch Bunch
Brain Break Go Noodle
Champions Practice Lining Up 3. Stand up 2. Tuck in your chair (stand behind it) 1. Move to the door when your row is called
Check for Understanding What do you do when I say 3? Who can show me what the looks like? Let’s all try it together What do you do when I say 2? Who can show me what that looks like? Let’s all try that together What do you do when I say 1? Who can show me that that looks like? Lets try that all together
Put it all Together 3……2…….1…….
Champions Practice Entry Routine
Check for Understand What do we do first? What do we do second? Who can show us what that looks like? What do we do next? Can someone demonstrate step 3? What comes after step 3? What is the final step of the entry routine? Lets put it all together. We will practice lining up and then go into the hallway and practice our entry routine.
Bathroom Break!!!
Champions Practice Transitioning to Centers 3. Stand up 2. Tuck in your chair (stand behind it) 1. Move to your assigned center
Let’s Practice 3…….2……..1
Champions Practice Passing Out Papers 1.I will hand papers to the person on the end of each row. 2.That person will take a sheet off the top and quickly pass it to the person next to them. 3.They will take a paper and pass it to the next until everyone has a paper in the row. 4.When you have your paper sit with your hands folded and wait for my directions.
Let’s Practice
Champions Practice Using Seat Signals I will either nod( yes) or shake my head (wait) to your seat signal request.
Check for Understanding Show me the signal if you need a sharp pencil Show me the signal if you have an academic question Show me the signal if you need to get water Show me the signal if you need to use the bathroom.
Champions Practice SLANT (Ready Position) Why is it important to….
Read a Loud Let’s Practice transitioning to the mat!
Stop and Draw Draw about how you feel on the first day of school.
First Day Selfie
Brain Break Go Noodle
Homework Newsletter
Story Transition S-T-O-R-Y STORY STORY
Read a Loud Where the Mountain Meets the Moon
Objective SWBAT understand and Practice routines and procedures for school year
Exit Procedure 1.Make sure your area is neat and clean 2.Place take home materials neatly on your desk 3.Wait to be called to sign out a book 4.Wait to be called to line up 5.Line up silently at the door. 6.Exit the room and collect belongings from your locker.