Contextualizing Language Shaping The Way We Teach Centro Colombo Americano 2009 Fredy Alexander Duque
Contextualizing Contextualization is the meaningful use of language for real communicative It helps students understand how language users construct language in a given context.
Language is constructed through a blend of purpose, situation, and social needs. The reasons for using contextualized language are that… A contextualized approach to instruction also supports the use of integrated skills, and pair and group work. And, it can foster a deeper level of use of the language, especially when the themes and topics are high-interest and motivate students.
Contextualized Learning... A plan for teaching content through relevant materials that will keep your Students coming back for more.
Why do our students want to learn? Access Voice Independent action Bridge to the future
Contextualized Learning... A strategy Actively involves the learners in the Learning Combine content and Uses authentic materials.
Contextualized Learning... Learners learn more effectively when they... Search for meaning in their own learning process. Use various types of real life resources to gather information. Integrate new knowledge/skills into Already existing knowledge. Combine content and context. Learn to problem solve in common Situations in a new way.
Characteristics of contextualized Learning Is application oriented. Is learner centered. Is time flexible. Goals and purpose are explicit frome the Beginning of the instruction.
Five principles of a contextualized Lesson: Purpose directs the lesson. Real life problems take precedenced over Subject matter isolation. Learners gain understanding through problem solving. Academic and life concerns are integrated into an applied lerning process.
The four A’s of Contextualized Language: We learn mainly for: Acquisition. Application. Assimilation. Association.
Benefits of Contextualized Learning to the learner The purpose of the learning is explicit. (How & Why is discussed) Learners share prevous knowledge. (Learner is actively learning) Learner applies learning to his role as Father, son in the community (learning impacts real life). Leaners solve problems (Learner uses his skills outside the classroom) Learner is responsible for his learning. (Self awareness is built)
Benefits of Contextualized Learning to the tutor Knowledge retention is increased. Student motivation increases. Tutor guides the learning process. Learning is a team effort between tutor and learner, student’s persistance is encouraged responsible for his learning. Learning is not controlled by the tutor.
Materials for Contextualized Language. Target student’s needs Transportation. Housing Food Shopping. Job Community. Personal Other Locate materials to meet student’s needs Maps, bus schedules Receipt, coupons, ads. Menus, Pictures, receipts. Shopping bags, items.