Tailored Doctoral Development for Impactful Doctoral Graduates Dr. Gavin Boyce Research and Innovation Services
2015 Budget “…introduce income-contingent loans of up to £25,000 to support PhDs and research- based masters degrees. These loans will be in addition to existing funding, and designed to minimise public subsidy.”
SGHRM report 2014 “Doctoral education was traditionally geared towards the production of a new generation of scientists for universities and the public research system. Here a change has been taking place in recent years.” p.3
SGHRM report 2014 “In Europe the number of doctoral candidates is increasing. It will probably continue to do so in the future, as the strategic goal of the EU to make all member states spend 3% of the GDP for research and development will, if achieved, increase the demand for well-trained researchers.” p.3
EC Mapping Exercise 2011 “The classical model of the master- apprentice relationship is gradually becoming less important and more and more universities are setting up doctoral schools that deliver structured programmes for cohorts of candidates.” p.7
No. of Doctoral Researchers at TUoS
Centres for Doctoral Training Advantages Cohort experience i.e. equally good for all Critical mass in key areas – centres of excellence Forced to align with RC priorities Attractive brand Commitment to quality tment to quality Disadvantages Resource commitment from HEI Overheads - Staff and fundsheads - Staff and funds HEIs are required to bid for CDT, often collaboratively Juxtaposition - competition vs. collaboration
Doctoral Researchers by fee status
Doctoral Academy functions Provision? Marketing? Funding? Governance? Strategy?
How to respond? 17 The University of Sheffield was one of only three in the country to make 35 or more submissions in different subject areas in the REF.
Doctoral Academy function A voice of authority on doctoral education for both internal and external stakeholders. Developing and promoting a clear institutional understanding of what the University is trying to achieve through Doctoral education.
Doctoral Academy function Stakeholders: Students Universities Funders Employers Society
To Discover And Understand.