Oct.10, 2007EAMA7 The next-generation Infrared astronomy mission SPICA Outline of SPICA Scientific Research Concept (SciReC) SPICA 研究コンセプト概要 17 th May 2010 Hideo Matsuhara & Takao Nakagawa (ISAS/JAXA)
SciReC : Table of Contents Introduction Adopted/ref. documents Outline : scope of the SciRC Definition of “Research product” Assumptions / constraints Research Concept Management structure Structure of Tracking/control & science ground segment Observation & Operation Mode Observing/Operational Duration Data & Research products distribution Data archive Public Outreach Observation Programs Category of programs Selection strategy of programs Operation of observing programs Propriety Time of Data 2
Management Scheme (also described in SEMP) 3
4 International Collaboration Scheme ESA Subsystem Management SAFARI Consortium System Integration European Teams Japanese Teams FPI : SAFARI ESA Manufacturing ( 80K ) JAXA Integration ( ) Telescope JAXA Subsystem Integrator Japanese Group Korean Team (TBD) NAOJ (TBD) FPI:MIRs + SCI JAXA SPICA team: System Integration SPICA Steering Committee FPI:FPC FPI:BLISS NASA Team (TBD) ※ FPI : Focal Plane Instrument SAFARI : SPICA Far-Infrared Instrument MIRs : Mid Infrared Insturuments (MIRACLE,MIRMES,MIRHES) BLISS : Background-Limited Infrared-Submikimeter Spectrograph FPC : Focal Plane finding Camera Science Advisory Committee Joint System Engineering Team
Two-level management Agency-Level Management (Steering or Executive Committee) Manage the overall financial and programmatic issues Authority to make the top-level decisions when required (impacting the whole cost, schedule, major risks, and scientific performance) Project-Level Management Technical Issues, Schedule, Reviews SPICA JOINT PROJECT OFFICE Joint Systems Engineering Team Scientific Issues Science Advisory Committee
STEERING (or Executive) COMMITTEE (draft) Purpose Manage the overall financial and programmatic issues Authority to make the top-level decisions when required (impacting the whole cost, schedule, major risks, and scientific performance) Membership Chair JAXA representative JAXA JAXA/HQ representative, ISAS/HQ representative ESA ESA/HQ representative SRON SRON representative Other national institutes (e.g. US, Korea) Meetings WHEN REQUIRED
JOINT PROJECT OFFICE (draft) Purpose To manage the whole project efficiently Technical issues, Detailed Schedule, Detailed Financial Issues, performance check Membership Chair SPICA PI or PM JAXA SPICA PI, PM, SE, FPI chair, Each FPI PI ESA SPICA PM, PS, SAFARI Scientist, SAFARI PI, SAFARI PM Other institutes (TBD) Meetings Monthly Report to agency-level management structure
Joint Systems Engineering Team (draft) Purpose To check technical issues focusing on I/Fs between subgroups To avoid any “hidden gap” Membership Chair SPICA SE JAXA SPICA PM, SE, FPI chair, Technical experts (including members from industry partners) ESA TBD (SPICA PM, experts, …) Meetings Every three months (together with design meeting) Report to Steering committee
Science Advisory Committee (draft) Purpose To review the scientific objectives and to check if the specifications and performance of SPICA is compatible with scientific requirements Membership Japan: Project Scientist, (SPICA PI as an observer) ESA: Project Scientist International member: scientist representing all relevant fields of astronomy (including SPICA Task Force in Japan) Meetings Every two months Report to SPICA Steering Committee
Management Structure (NEED TO BE UPDATED!!) 10
Operation Plan 11
Operation Centers (1) Mission Operation Center (MOC) In charge of the direct operation of the whole SPICA satellite system Creating and sending commands Receiving telemetry data To check the health & basic functions of SPICA Science Operation Center (SOC) In charge of Observation Planning Generate the observation plan, and deliver to MOC Handling observation proposals, support the TAC (time allocation committee) decision for the observation plan User Support: support users to plan observations and to submit proposals Structure HQ at JAXA Instrument Control Centre (ICC) in Japan, Europe (& US, Korea) 12
Mission Operation Centre ( MOC) Science Operation Centre ( SOC) Tracking/control & science Ground Segment structure Japan ICC Europe ICC Korea ICC USA ICC Science/HK/tracking data Raw/processed Data & toolkit SPICA users ( Astronomers) Observation Plan TT&C data JAXA TT&C Ground Network ESA Space Operation Centre & Ground Station
Operation centers (2) Science Data Center (SDC) Management of science data, data analysis and archives develop data analysis pipe-line and other related tools under the collaboration with each instrument team Science data processing using pipe-line Pointing reconstruction Data distribution to observers support astronomers’ scientific activity Create data archives (both raw & and processed data) for public in collaboration with existing data centre (C-SODA at ISAS) Structure HQ at JAXA Japanese SDC branch support Japanese users of SPICA European SDC branch support European users of SPICA (US, Korean …) 14
Observation / Operation modes Routine Operation mode HK mode / Instrument C/O mode / STA focus adjustment / FoV Alignment verification / Orbit maneuver Observation Mode MIR imaging/spectroscopy Coronagraph mode FIR imaging/spectroscopy Data transmission mode (in case of failure of HGA) Contingency operation mode 15
Phases of Operation Launch & Early Operation (a few weeks) Cruising Phase A few weeks to a half year, to enter S-E L2 Check-out Phase (until 6 months at most after launch) Basic check-out phase(2 weeks) PV Phase (a few months) Test Observation Phase (a few months) Nominal Observation Phase Several proposal cycles 2.5 years to achieve “Full Success” (incl. 6 months margin) Observations to achieve “extra success” can also be executed so far as the “Full success” observations are not disturbed Extra Observation Phase 16
Observation Programs 17
Category of observation programs a. Performance Verification(PV) program b. Calibration program c. Guaranteed Time (GT) program d. Open Time (OT) program e. Director’s time (DT) program a. b. : individual program is planned for each FPI’s evaluation / calibration c. d. e. : program includes all FPI Definition of “director” is tbd 18
Time Allocation Issues (all numbers are tentative) TAC ( Time Allocation Committee) is unique for all SPICA member countries, will manage time allocation in GT and OT. Member countries should have their own allocated % of observation time. Engineering (calibration) Time: TBD (5) % Director ’ s time: TBD (5) % Including TOO observations Guaranteed time for SPICA team: 20% To be allocated as a function of “ contribution ” SWG time ? Mission scientists ’ time ? Open Time for Member Countries: 50 % Including Legacy Programs each member country should have its own allocated time. Open Time for General Community: 20% 19
Proprietary Time One year Proprietary time applies only to Guaranteed time & Open time (no proprietary time for Engineering, director time) Start point: after Observers receive processed data All the data after the proprietary time will be open for general community Not only for member countries Legacy Programs(not yet defined) To be released when data processing is over ? 20