Eisenhower ( ) Policies, Civil Rights, and Enlarging the Cold War
Eisenhower Presidency Defeated Adlai Stevenson twice in Presidential elections Continued New Deal type programs under label of Dynamic Conservatism Although he ended the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and wanted to sell the TVA, he increased the benefits and classes of people covered under Social Security, continued the Rural Electrification initiative, and supported the Interstate Highway Act of 1956.
Concluding the Red Scare Refused to get in gutter w/ Joe McCarthy Supported Loyalty Programs, strengthening Smith Act and McCarren Internal Security Act Ike’s Presidency was dominated by Cold War abroad and impacted by Civil Rights Movement at home
Joe McCarthy ( ) “At long last, sir, have you no sense of decency?” -- Joseph Welch.
Cold War Foreign Policy Korean War truce reestablished 38 th parallel. John Foster Dulles and Brinksmanship Covert Operations in Iran and Guatemala No Nukes to save Dienbienphu, but U. S. tied to Diem regime in South Vietnam by 1954 U. S. supported Taiwan and threatened China over shelling of Quemoy and Matsu Suez Crisis Hungarian Crisis Sputnik
Sputnik—1957—Cold War enters space
Cold War Foreign Policy II Berlin Crisis “Peaceful Coexistence” U-2 summit Fidel Castro and Cuban Revolution
Civil Rights Movement Brown v. Board of Education (May 17, 1954) Massive Resistance by Bubbas Little Rock Crisis (1957) Montgomery Bus Boycott ( ) SCLC formed in and 1960 Civil Rights Acts
Challenging Jim Crow in schools
Bigots bash Alex Wilson at Central High School in Little Rock
Martin Luther King, Jr., ( )