Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Jounghwa Lee 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Activities Our activities for nuclear structure data are as follow Evaluation of Nuclear Structure Data Introduction of ENSDF Simulation study using nuclear structure data 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Nuclear Structure Data We are beginning step of ENSDF mass chain evaluations Our institute is not assigned mass chain yet Collaborate with A.A. Sonzogni Guidance and feedback in the evaluation work Evaluation Activities Evaluated a part of mass chain A=72 (2014) Mass chain A=144 is in progress 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Evaluation of mass chain A=72 Visited NNDC for 2 weeks and worked together on a part of A=72 mass chain 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015 NuclidesDatasetReferencesNote 72 MnAdopted Levels2013TA14Observed 72 Mn 72 FeAdopted Levels2013MA87T 1/2, %β - n 72 CoAdopted Levels2011DA08%β-n%β-n 72 NiAdopted Levels, Gammas2011CH42Level, E γ, T 1/2 73 Co β - n decay2012RA10New dataset 198 Pt( 76 Ge,Xγ)2011CH42New dataset 72 Ge 72 Ga β - decay2012KR07Level, E γ, T 1/2 70 Zn(α,2nγ), 70 Ge(α, 2 He)2012RO21Level, E γ, Band Coulomb Excitation2013GU23g factor
Evaluation of 72 Fe & 72 Co Adopted levels of 72 Fe Ground state T 1/2 : ≥ 150 ns → 19 ms 4 (2013MA87) New systematics to calculate %β - n %β - n: 27.6 SY (Kratz-Herrman formula (2002PF04)) →17 SY (McCutchan et al systematics (2012MC04)) Adopted levels of 72 Co New systematics to calculate %β - n %β - n: ≥ 6 (2) (Preliminary value(2005MA95)) →17 SY (McCutchan et al systematics (2012MC04)) 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Evaluation of 72 Ni 72 Ni ENSDF Adopted Levels, Gammas 72 Co β - decay 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April Co β - n decay 198 Pt( 76 Ge,Xγ) 73 Co β - n decay 198 Pt( 76 Ge,Xγ) New datasets 2012RA10: Level, E γ, %β - n 2011CH42: Level, E γ, T 1/2
Evaluation of 72 Ge 72 Ga β - decay 2012KR07: Appl Rad & Isot 70, 1649 (2012) K. S. Krane A lot of levels and gammas Some levels and gammas are rearranged 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015 Number of levels27 Number of gammas111 Weighted means of 1971RE04, 1968CA20, 1974CH07, 2001ME01, 2004MI10, 2012KR07
Evaluation of 72 Ge 70 Zn(α,2nγ), 70 Ge(α, 2 He) 2012RO21: Eur. Phys. J. A 48, 99 (2012) D. G. Roux et al. New 72 Ge levels & gammas Directional correlation (DCO), Polarization (POL) Bands Coulomb Excitation 2013GU23: Phys. Rev. C 88, (2013) G.Gurdal et al g-factor 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Evaluation of mass chain A=144 We are planning to evaluate mass chain A=144, this year The progress of the evaluation of A=144 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015 NuclidesDatasetReferencesNote 144 Cs 145 Xe β - n decay (188 ms)2012WA38Q(β - n ) 144 XeAdopted Levels, Gammas2003Be05T 1/2, %β - n 144 BaAdopted Levels, Gammas2005BI02T 1/2 252 Cf SF Decay2005BI02T 1/2 235 U(N, Fγ)2012MU08New dataset
Evaluation of 144 Cs & 144 Xe 145 Xe β - n decay (188 ms) This dataset has only parent and normalization records (no levels & gammas) Corrected the Q-value of β - delayed neutron emission 2598 (27) keV → 3705 (28) keV (2012WA38) Adopted Levels, Gammas of 144 Xe Ground state T 1/2 : 1.15 (20) s (1976AH01) → 388 (7) ms (2003BE05) Add %β - n: 3.0 (3) (2003BE05) 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Evaluation of 144 Ba 252 Cf SF Decay 2005BI02: Phy.s Rev. C 71, (2005) D.C. Biswas et al. Half-lives of levels 235 U(N, Fγ) New dataset 2012MU08: Phy.s Rev. C 85, (2012) S.Mukhopadhyay et al. Level, Eγ and band 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Introduction of ENSDF ENSDF still little known in Korea Theoretical and experimental physicist scarecely know ENSDF Also the concept of ‘evaluation’ is unfamiliar We are trying to introduce ENSDF and its analysis programs at a conference and a workshop 2013 Korean Physics Society (Spring) 2014 Workshop on Nuclear Data Measurement and Related Subject Encourage to use ENSDF as reference It is very useful 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
Simulation Study We are interested in the nuclear data of simulation codes Simulation programs are often used to study nuclear reaction and decay Wondering that the simulation results are reliable Check simulation code Comparing simulation results with experiments or evaluated values Read the nuclear data in the library 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
ENSDF in Geant4 Data Library G4PhotonEvaporation (from ENSDF) G4RadioactiveDecay (from XUNDL) Co levels in Geant4 library (keV) 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015 Energy levels from decay data and gamma transition data are stored separately These data are originated from ENSDF Some nuclides have XUNDL data and give rise to inconsistency
ENSDF in Geant4 Data Library The simulation result of 66 Fe β - decay Simulation result using default data Too many gammas The result is not reasonable Simulation result using evaluated data Reproduce the experimental result well 21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015 unreasonable Good !! Phys. Rev. C 85, (2012)
21st NSDD Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2015 Thank you !