verb 1. to announce or praise some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it. ad-ver-tahyz-er
adjective 1. touching; in contact. kuhn-tig-yoo-uhs
adjective 1. pertaining to or characterized by declamation. declamation dih-klam-uh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee
noun 1. The inept performance elicited derision from the audience. dih-rizh-uhn
Noun 1. a way or passage out: eg-zit, ek-sit
Noun A person who remains in a place or attaches himself or herself to a group. Hang-er-on
Noun a commonwealth or state under such a form or system of government. thee-ok-ruh-see
Adjective displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow. ir-i-des-uhnt
Adjective little; very small. wee
Adjective a person who professes his or her patriotism loudly and excessively. jing-goh
Adjective required as a matter of obligation; mandatory. uh-blig-uh-tawr-ee
Government by new or inexperienced hands; upstart rule; raw or untried officials. Ne-oc-ra-cy
Noun extreme poverty; destitution pen-yuh-ree
Noun any sudden, violent outburst par-uhk-siz-uhm
Noun the agency, function, or power of a person authorized to act as the deputy or substitute for another prok-see