centralis, eopticus, a, umparietalis, e ischiadicus, a, umtenuis, ecrassus, a, um ascendens, ntissigmoideus, a, umsuprarenalis, e thyroideus, a, umbiliaris,


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Presentation transcript:

centralis, eopticus, a, umparietalis, e ischiadicus, a, umtenuis, ecrassus, a, um ascendens, ntissigmoideus, a, umsuprarenalis, e thyroideus, a, umbiliaris, efelleus, a, um longus, a, umbrevis, emultiplex, icis apertus, a, umcysticus, a, ummigrans, ntis solaris, eruber, a, umrectus, a, um biceps, itisacutus, a, umcatarrhalis, e

1st + 2nd declension3rd declensionnumber of forms in nom. sg.

canalis ( ) + centralis, e______________ + opticus, a, um______________ tuber ( ) + ischiadicus, a, um ______________ + frontalis, e______________ intestinum ( ) + tenuis, e______________ + crassus, a, um______________ musculus ( ) + rectus, a, um______________ + biceps, itis______________

colon ( ) + ascendens, ntis______________ + sigmoideus, a, um______________ glandula ( ) + suprarenalis, e______________ + thyroideus, a, um______________ vesica ( ) + biliaris, e______________ + felleus, a, um______________ caput ( ) + longus, a, um______________ + brevis, e______________

fractura ( )+ multiplex, icis______________ + apertus, a, um______________ ren ( ) + cysticus, a, um______________ + migrans, ntis______________ eczema ( ) + solaris, e______________ + ruber, a, um______________ urocystitis ( ) + acutus, a, um______________ + catarrhalis, e______________

termin + directionin + position intestinum crassum/tenue colon sigmoideum/ascendens vesica fellea/biliaris musculus rectus/biceps fractura aperta/multiplex urocystitis acuta/catarrhalis

GIVE THE NOUN WHICH THE UNDERLINED ADJECTIVES COME FROM, ITS GENITIVE SINGULAR FORM, GENDER, DECLENSION AND MEANING termnom. sg.gen. sg.genderdeclensionmeaning os frontale margo supraorbitalis concha nasalis media os parietale os temporale os occipitale

fossula (pl.) --- tonsillaris, e (pl.) rete --- articularis, e --- cubitus musculus --- biceps, itis --- brachium geniculum --- canalis --- nervus --- facialis, e ligamentum --- teres, etis --- hepar/uterus arteria --- iliacus, a, um --- communis, e pars --- descendens, ntis --- duodenum ramus --- communicans, antis --- cum --- nervus --- ulnaris, e musculus (pl.) --- levator (pl.) ---- costa (pl.) --- brevis, e (pl.)

Trauma grave articulationisacutae Symptomata urocystitidismultiplices Caries profunda dentisexacerbans Insufficientia cordisherpetis simplicis Therapiapermanentis Fracturae columnae vertebralisgenus l. dx.

Suprarenal gland Simple joints Lateral margin of the nail Fossa for the lacrimal gland (literally of the lacrimal gland) Nucleus of the abducent nerve Vein accompanying the hypoglossal nerve (literally Accompanying vein of the hypoglossal nerve)

Short gastric arteries Common carotid artery Fissure of the round ligament Long/short head of the biceps muscle of the femur Orifice of the vermiform appendix