LAPS & RAPS Project Project for a Local Action Plan Aiming at supporting social inclusion and job creation for adult population risking to be expelled from the job market
Challenges and main objectives of the LAG The causes of inefficiency in social inclusion policies are most often the result of the concept itself not being sufficiently clear In the framework of the actions planned for the implementation of “LAPS&RAPS” project, we agreed to consider the concept of social inclusion in all its’ Width THAT IS TO SAY: Support an improved and complete integration of the person within the social context where he/she lives
social exclusion must be prevented by public policies and specific tools Giving more effectiveness to individuals’ rights The solutions should always take into account 3 aspects: 1.Which policies are to be implemented 2.Which target and possible receivers 3.Which operational tools may concretely allow to achieve social inclusion goals Challenges and main objectives of the LAG
The activities of the LAG are therefore oriented towards identifying solutions counting: a)The promotion of economic development policies, since with no resources, no right and no inclusion may be provided; b) The implementation of a specific qualified action aiming at creating all the conditions for social inclusion, once a clear target of receivers has been identified. To focus solutions at a system level, in order to provide : 1. a balance in social security systems; 2. the promotion of active ageing 3. an improvement in the access to vocational training among adults Challenges and main objectives of the LAG
The contribution of the LAG within the action plan implementation, shall consist of: offering an overview on the situation of the job market and its’ current trends identify possible qualified solutions for the involvement of actors, assuming precise responsibilities in planning the actions for the improvement of adult social inclusion policies Challenges and main objectives of the LAG
The reference target The macro-area Of concern within the LAG analysis includes all the workers in the age bracket from to the retirement age Sub categories Depending on the following criteria Specific social and professional exclusion problems Individual psychological characteristics Specialization Typology of the company where they belong Gender differences
Main goal Address the trend that pushes adult workers out from the productive cycle Support The processes of “active ageing” valuing the abilities and competences of adult or nearly retired workers Prevention Prevention policies to be started Active Active policies to be developed (aiming at re-integration within the job market for those persons who were expelled for different reasons, finding themselves socially and professionnally excluded)
Strategic objectives of the PAL prevention enhance prevention with actions designed to preserve the employability conditions, putting a stop to the leaving of adult population from the job market; partnership and negotiation promote partnership and negotiation in order to identify people who could contribute to the development process of active policies for unemployed adults job inclusion and for the preservation of employability conditions Main goal
Intervention areas and actions to be undertaken Intervention area 1 A stronger system for Prevention Actions aiming to preserve the employability conditions, putting a stop to the leaving of adult population from the job market Intervention area 2 Promoting partnerships and negotiation among the actors Identifying and motivating the people and the public authorities who could contribute to the development process of active policies for unemployed adults job inclusion and for the preservation of employability conditions
Intervention Area 1 Enhancing Prevention Actions aiming to preserve the employability conditions, putting a stop to the leaving of adult population from the job market Measure 1.a To defend the stability at work Measure 1.b To re-insert the unemployed in the job market maintain the workers updated with vocational training programmes enhance vocational counselling services for adults Promote a larger use of vouchers or individual tickets boosting “just in time” individually designed training support firm creation projects, in the social economy sector raise the women’s activity rates, in an ‘equal opportunities’ approach Intervention areas and actions to be undertaken
Intervention Area 2 Promoting partnerships and negotiation processes Identifying and motivating the people and the public authorities who could contribute to the development process of active policies for unemployed adults job inclusion and for the preservation of employability conditions Measure 2.a For networking Measure 2.b For the promotion of innovative prevention solutions Involving referents from the Public Authorities (region and province planning) in order to synergize the action plans “networking” local actors either depending on the Rome City Administration or external (C.O.L. Local Development Agency, Job Centres, Unions, Job Search Companies, etc.) experimentation of possible solutions involving directly one or several C.O.L. targeted use of the inter- professional Funds Intervention areas and actions to be undertaken
Methodology The operational implementation and building of the PAL shall be structured in four essential phases Phase 1: problem analysis and joint mapping of new resources and opportunities Territorial reference context and local job market analysis and understanding of the phenomenon conditions Phase 2: joint search for local solutions Identify, raise awareness and involve the key players of the territory; negotiate with them possible solutions identified by the LAG concerning the specific problems; test such solutions, with the involvement of the C.O.L. Phase 3: building and implementing the Local Action Plan Phase 4: identifying favourable conditions that may provide sustainability to the Local Action Plan Sustainability is defined by: -Financial aspects and rational expenses management -Transferability of the experience in other local contexts -Identification of the monitoring tools