Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 1 PRESENTATION TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS 4 March 2008 Status of the commitments made in the 2007 Budget Vote Speech
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 2 COMMITMENTSSTATUS Switch on of the digital signal be switched on 1st November The analogue signal should be switched off on the same date in Approved by Cabinet The Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy will be gazetted on the 1st of June The policy document was published for public comments. The finalisation was delayed while awaiting the decisions of the World Radio Conference of the ITU that was held in October Critical decisions that needed to be taken into cognisance was those on the allocation and use of frequencies. It should be ready by the end of this week. BROADCASTING DIGITAL MIGRATION AND CONSEQUENTIAL BENEFITS
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 3 COMMITMENTSSTATUS Established a body to oversee the roll-out of digital migration in South Africa - the Digital Dzonga (South). A body has been established but not with a full complement yet. The chairperson however has been working with members of the Department in the following areas: Standards and technology related to Set Top Boxes. Economic and financial modeling related to Set Top Boxes Digital Migration Awareness Strategy (this is about to be finalised, together with an implementation plan) Commenced work for the roll-out of digital network by Sentech BROADCASTING DIGITAL MIGRATION AND CONSEQUENTIAL BENEFITS
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 4 COMMITMENTSSTATUS New TV channels that will be available as a result of Broadcasting Digital Migration will require us to develop local content that is relevant to and appropriate to our needs and national identity and social cohesion. Commenced with the development of the Local Content Development Strategy and Implementation Plan, for implementation in June BROADCASTING DIGITAL MIGRATION AND CONSEQUENTIAL BENEFITS
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 5 COMMITMENTSSTATUS South Africa will begin growing Set Top Box manufacturing capability A STB working group was established and work has commenced. DOC, DTI and Set Top Box manufacturers are members of this group. A special session will be held on 11 March with the SABS ICT Standard Committee to accelerate certification. BROADCASTING DIGITAL MIGRATION AND CONSEQUENTIAL BENEFITS
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 6 COMMITMENTSSTATUS To urgently consider whether none, or only certain, of the existing VANS licencees can be authorised to provide services as well as to provide and operate electronic communications facilities or networks to ensure that such licensees are issued electronic communications network service licences in addition to other licences specified in the relevant section of the ECA, if applicable. ICASA is in the process of implementing this directive. POLICY DIRECTIVES TO ICASA
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 7 COMMITMENTSSTATUS To prioritise and urgently prescribe a list of essential facilities ensuring that the electronic communications facilities connected to the SAT-3 submarine cable can be accessed soon. ICASA issued regulations on facilities leasing addressing this directive. To prescribe for immediate implementation, a list of emergency numbers to which the public would have continued access, even during a period of disconnection. Consultations are ongoing with ICASA; the police and the JCPS cluster POLICY DIRECTIVES TO ICASA
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 8 COMMITMENTS STATUS WWith regard to the structure of ownership and control of Underserviced Area Licences – Provincial Under-Serviced Area Network Operator (PUSANO) licences. the Authority should ensure that the percentage of equity ownership and control to be held by persons from historically disadvantaged groups residing in the designated licence area, must not be less than 51%, or such higher percentage as may be authorised by the Minister; the Authority should ensure that ownership and control by persons or companies interested in investing in the licensed entity, shall be restricted to 49% or less. To be considered during the license conversion process. ICASA still to issue regulations to prescribe the PUSANO licence conversion. POLICY DIRECTIVES TO ICASA (cont.)
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 9 COMMITMENTSSTATUS The unbundling process in South Africa should be urgently implemented. Local Loop unbundling report submitted to ICASA formally. Meeting held between ICASA, Telkom and DoC to kickstart the process. That SAPO post offices will be transformed into Thusong Post Offices SAPO indicated that they intend to roll-out Thusong Post Office outlets in 100 communities. Meetings have been held with other relevant departments and SOEs for coordination. POLICY DECISIONS (cont.)
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 10 COMMITMENTSSTATUS To prioritise access to educational and health institutions, the Post Office, government offices and the Thusong Centres-previously known as Multi-Purpose Community Centres- in the roll- out of Sentech’s electronic communications networks and services for the provision of wireless broadband communication. This is an ICT Apex Priority. A decision was taken that Sentech's wireless network be roll out in the 500 Dinaledi Schools in all the 9 provinces. Dinaledi Schools are schools chosen nationally to produce Maths and Science matriculants. Because of the nature of technology to be used, WiMax, when connecting schools, other institutions e.g. clinics, post offices, Thusong Centres etc. in the vicinity of the school will also be connected depending on the topography. The topographic data collection exercise will be completed by end February Upon completion of the topographic data collection exercise, SENTECH will design the network. It will only be at that stage when we will know how clinics, post offices, Thusong Centres etc. will be covered. POLICY DECISIONS (cont.)
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 11 COMMITMENTSSTATUS To allocate spectrum for a single network with possibility for national coverage for the provision of Digital Mobile Broadcasting Services The concept of a single network has been generally accepted and the details are being finalised with the industry. ICASA is requested to consider the continuation of the services of WORLDSPACE, under the current arrangement until a long-term solution has been found. Implemented POLICY DECISIONS (cont.)
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 12 COMMITMENTSSTATUS To make representation aimed at regarding INFRACO as a deemed holder of an individual electronic communication network services licence. I intend to implement this through the parliamentary hearings on the Infraco Bill. The EC Amendment Act, which enables licensing of public entities, became effective on 2 February A Policy directive needs to be issued to enable the licensing of INFRACO. This will be done as soon as the Department of Public Enterprises submits a business plan for INFRACO. To bring the Protocol for NEPAD ICT Broadband Network for ratification by Parliament. The Kigali Protocol for the NEPAD ICT Broadband Network was ratified by Parliament in June As of 16 February 2008 the Kigali Protocol is in force. ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONNECTIVITY
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 13 COMMITMENTSSTATUS A toll free number through which citizens could contact government using any phone to raise issues of service delivery. I am happy to announce that all the operators have committed to making this idea a reality by the end of June. The DPSA in conjunction with SITA has an existing government information call centre service i.e. 1020, in line with ECA section 72 (4-7). This contact centre has been operational for more than a year. In the DoC investigation with DPSA and GCIS to implement the toll free number announced by Minister, the DoC discovered the existence of this government information 1020 contact centre. ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONNECTIVITY (cont.)
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 14 COMMITMENTSSTATUS SAPO will sign agreements with the Department of Housing’s National Housing Finance Corporation and the Department of Trade and Industry’s Micro Finance Apex Fund to address the needs of the lower income groups and the poor. The Housing Finance Corporation Service agreement was signed. SAPO is currently piloting to five outlets in five provinces countrywide. Currently negotiating with the SA Micro-Finance Apex Fund and awaiting the roll out of its infrastructure. ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONNECTIVITY (cont.)
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 15 COMMITMENTSSTATUS Ten Development Call Centres to be located at economically-depressed areas, would be identified by government. A Working Group of the operators has been established. Coordinated by my department, it is finalizing the communications cost- related incentive. Recommendations on this will be submitted to me by the end of June. The DTI and the DoC have identified 14 sites to locate developmental call centres. Communications related incentives have been agreed between the working group and Telkom. DTI has included the 14 identified sites and currently marketing them to potential companies to set up business in these areas. DTI is also finalizing the qualification criteria to for the telecommunications incentives. ICT INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONNECTIVITY (cont.)
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development 16 COMMITMENTSSTATUS Sentech is on schedule to meet Government’s commitment by providing about 80% Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) coverage by 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. Further, Sentech intends to launch at least one HDTV satellite channel, in time for the 2010 Soccer World Cup. Sentech will also build a second teleport to provide additional capacity needed for the 2010 satellite uplink requirement. Sentech has started the process of replacing the analogue transmitters with digital to be commissioned by November By en of December 2008, Sentech would have achieved 50% of the populations coverage. The 80% DTT coverage by 2010 target is achievable. The SABC plans to have six more High Definition Units in place by end of 2009, in line with the technology plan for To date the SABC has acquired two High Definition Units. SABC is in the process of acquiring 4 more by September The delivery will be phased from April – September ICT GUARANTEES FOR 2010
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