Biodiversity The variety of life in an ecosystem.
Biodiversity increases as you near the equator
3 most diverse biomes: Coral Reef Tropical Rainforest Wetlands Marsh
Why is Biodiversity important? Beautiful and scenic Good for our health and an ecosystem’s health (diet, medicines, and disease prevention) atch?v =GK_v RtHJZ u4
Loss of biodiversity
Extinct species A species once present on Earth but has died out
Endangered species A species in danger of becoming extinct.
Threatened species A species likely to become endangered in the near future.
What causes the loss of biodiversity? “HIPPO” Habitat Loss Invasive Species Poaching Pollution Over population by humans
1. Habitat Loss Deforestation Slash and burn Makes soil temporarily more fertile for farming But rain forests have nutrient poor soil.
Negative Effects of Deforestation Loss of habitat – crowds out species Increases levels of CO 2 – contributing to global warming
Encroachment Slowly moving into a species’ habitat Examples Road building & farming and housing development hllU9NEcJyg
2. Invasive Species Species that are introduced into an environment they are not originally from Synonyms for exotic: alien, feral, invasive, introduced /3000-invasive-goldfish- threatening-colorado-lake- ecosystem/story?id=
Cane Toads Released on purpose to kill cane beetles Skin contains deadly toxins Practically no predators 101 have turned into 200 million over 70 years
Fire Ants Stowed away on ship to Alabama Sting feels like burn Kills native insects
Killer Bees More aggressive honey bees Escaped from lab in Brazil Kills native bee species
Non-harmful invasive species Wheat Rice Dogs Cats Horses Pigs Cows Goats
How do they arrive?
Invasive species in FL A Burmese python attempted to eat an alligator
What’s the problem? Crowd out native species No predators Decreases biodiversity
3. Poaching Illegal hunting (killing) OR Illegally removing a species from its habitat
Poached Species Big Cats – Fur Elephants – Ivory Rhinoceros – Horns Orangutans – Pets Macaws – Pets “In 2005 there were nearly 88,000 mammals, 1.3 million reptiles and 203 million fish imported illegally into the United States.” -Reuters
4. Pollution Water Pollution Air Pollution Ground Pollution
Water Pollution Pesticides Fertilizers Mercury
Pesticide Use Pesticide= chemicals used to kill a pest (rodent, insect, fungus, etc.) Runoff with rainwater puts it into local water systems. Disrupts aquatic food chains
DDT Pesticide used to kill mosquitoes Blamed for decline in bird of prey populations Fish in polluted water eaten by birds Travels up the food chain Top predators (eagles, peregrine falcons) affected most
These birds lay eggs with thin shells U.S. banned DDT in 1972 DDT still used in tropical locations to fight malaria Some oppose ban due to DDT’s ability to fight malaria
Fertilizer Use Runoff into lakes Causes rapid algae growth (algae bloom)
Algae blocks sunlight and…. Plants die (less oxygen) Decomposers break down dead plants (& use up oxygen) No oxygen available to other animals and they “suffocate”
Phytoplankton Bloom
Mercury Mercury released into the air when burned, and mixes with rainfall to get into the water. Found in high quantities in fish Can damage nervous and reproductive systems (Pregnant women and young kids at highest risk)
Hatters used mercury to shape felt hats and often were poisoned. “Mad as a Hatter” references this.
Mercury can accumulate in the food chain.
Mercury is often combined with other metals for fillings (ADA says this is safe)
Air Pollution Pollutants released into air usually from burning fossil fuels
Air Pollution causes… Global warming Ozone depletion Acid Rain Carbon Monoxide poisoning
Ground Pollution Soil becomes polluted when air pollutants drift to the ground or when water leaves pollutants behind as it flows through the soil.
5. Over Population of Humans
Population numbers
Overpopulation As more humans are added to our planet, the demand for natural resources (for energy, food and shelter) increases and more land is cleared for development.
Review 1. 1.What is biodiversity? 2. 2.Why is biodiversity important in an ecosystem? 3. 3.What five actions cause a loss of biodiversity? (HIPPO- spell them out) 4. 4.Think about it- What could humans do to reduce the loss of biodiversity? Describe at least two ways humans could help protect biodiversity.