Moon Phase Lab Use the accompanying lab given to you by your instructor to answer questions related to the material on the following slide show. Click on the arrow to change the page.
Dec 2003 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat Using the calendar on this page, answer the questions in your lab under “procedure one”. ONE
This satellite photo is a view of earth from the moon! Click on the picture to see an updated photo of earth from the moon. TWO Answer the questions in your lab under “procedure two”.
Using this diagram as a GUIDE, complete procedure three in your lab by drawing the appropriate moon phases in the correct position. Label your drawings with the correct phase name. Your pictures should NOT look like the diagram above!!!! Your drawings should represent what the moon looks like FROM earth. THREE Click on the moon to find out what each phase should look like!
Answer questions in your lab under “procedure four”. Click on the diagram to learn more about eclipses. FOUR
Using this diagram as a guide, answer the questions in your lab under procedure five. Click on the diagram to learn more about tides. This is Io, Jupiter’s moon. Click on it to learn about its tides. FIVE
Do you think people have a tendency to go crazy during a full moon? Click on the moon to learn more. After reading the article, write a brief paragraph explaining your view. Grammar counts!!!!!! SIX
SEVEN On July, 1969, the United States of America landed on the moon and an astronaut named Buzz Aldrin took the “first small step for man and a giant leap for mankind” Some say this was all a HOAX! Your job is to read an article describing this hoax and write a brief paragraph on your opinion. Click on Buzz to access the site.
That’s it! Be sure all your questions are answered and your name, period and lab number is on your paper before handing it in. Time for a siesta…