Pretend you are 25 years old and were to leave America and go to another country. Which country would you choose? What would you do for a living? What would you take with you? 1 Take out Study Guide for stamp Unit: Industrial Revolution What will we learn today? What will we learn today? The effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction on the Industrial Revolution Economic development of the US and its emergence as a major industrial power. What will we learn today? What will we learn today? The effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction on the Industrial Revolution Economic development of the US and its emergence as a major industrial power.
Student of the Month Did ALL the work from the last unit with all stamps Participates in class Not necessarily highest grade or best test Nests have nothing to do with birthdays 2
Website password User: book Pass: book 3
Text to Type: 4
The information is in your packets. You may register on-line You may register by mail using your packet info. You may register by phone: customer service Our trip ID is To reserve your spot on this year’s trip World Strides require a $99 deposit which is part of the total price. This deposit is non- refundable if you choose not to participate.
Informational Meeting (Big One) Wednesday, September 17 After back to school night Around 8:00pm F208 Go to to sign up to get information 6
Art Contest Draw the bee. 7