Friday, 03 June 2016 Mark 1:1-8 What’s all the excitement about ? It’s the first book in the New Testament written down. Written by Mark – however it is Peter’s memories written down by Mark. The phrase ‘and immediately’ is used about 40 times in this book.
Mark 1:1-8What’s all the excitement about? The excitement about the Christ Verse 1 “The beginning” “good news” Jesus the Christ, the messiah. Excited about family, food and sport. When was the last time you were excited about Christ?
Mark 1:1-8What’s all the excitement about? The excitement of the crowd Verse 5 ‘The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him.’ 400 years of silence But now a prophet had returned to the land
Mark 1:1-8What’s all the excitement about? The excitement of the claim. Verse 6 “John wore clothing made of camel's hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.” Not just his doctrine, but his deeds, his dress and his diet had the ring of truth about them. Baptism – not dipping but a drenching Verse 8 “I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." A saturation of the Spirit of God
Mark 1:1-8What’s all the excitement about? I get so excited, Lord Every time I realise I'm forgiven, I'm forgiven Jesus, Lord, You've done it all You've paid the price I'm forgiven, I'm forgiven With the past behind, grace for today And a hope to come I'm forgiven, I'm forgiven