Why is concrete green? Resource efficiency- Limestone- most abundant mineral on earth. Fly ash, slag cement, and silica fume- waste byproducts from power plants, steel mills, and other manufacturing facilities. By Heidi Caldwell Marsh Gooding Logan Nicoll
Durability- 2-3 times the average lifespan of “common” building, low maintenance Thermal Mass- Ability to absorb and maintain heat Concrete can be polished for a high-gloss finish w/o wax or coatings VOC FREE
Reflectivity- Light color can reduce urban heat islands- Reducing need for A/C in the summer. Stormwater retention- Pervious concrete allows water to pass through it freely- can be matched with grass to make grasscrete
Minimal Waste- -Project specific quantities -Can be crushed and used in new concrete or as backfill or road base.
Structural Concrete Applications Foundations Basements Footings Slabs Retaining Walls Houses
Interior Concrete Applications Decorative Floors Countertops Fireplace Surrounds Sink Basins and Vessels
Exterior Concrete Applications Driveways Sidewalks Patios Swimming Pool Decks Streets Parking Lots
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