1 Project Manager Report Andy Nichols, STFC – RAL MICE Collaboration Meeting, DL, 4 th -7 th June 2008
2 Contents: Achievements since CM20 Target & upstream beamline Muon beamline Cooling channel elements Infrastructure Preparations for Phase Two Project Organisation Open issues and concerns
3 Achievements since CM20 Briefly: –Reliable running of existing target in ISIS during machine physics shifts –Decay solenoid has demonstrated LHe capability with no obvious heat leaks –MICE now has ownership of the Linde plant and controls –The conventional magnet project is completed – string test successful –Physical start made on the magnetic shield walls –Contract for two AFC modules has been authorised with Tesla and contract has been faxed to them –Confirmation that UK funding for Phase Two will happen –PPS hardware installation largely complete –Control room operational
4 Target & Upstream Beamline Target: –More detail later, but: –Shorts found in actuator coils of both on & offline targets that were scheduled for installation earlier this year –New target assemblies underway by Sheffield Group with better understanding and QA of actuator coils –Insulation tested to 3KV at DL –ISIS encouraged us not to hurry to meet the May shutdown, but to do enough testing and confidence-building Installation of both in August 4 th -28 th shutdown –But installed target has been reliable. No evidence of coil problems, agreement to continue running –Dip depth has been increased 5-8mm with simple mechanical adjustment –New chiller and pipework to reduce cooling water inlet temp Also installed during August shutdown –Currently aiming for parasitic running in ISIS –Two shifts negotiated, 1 st & 2 nd June, possibility of 3 rd June also
5 Target & Upstream Beamline Other than target work in August and final placement of BPM, this area is ready for use Q1,2,3, D1 and all vacuum chamber installations are complete and aligned, magnets successfully tested
6 Muon Beamline Decay Solenoid –Problems with contamination in turbines and heat-leaks in cold box now fixed –But compressor performance not up to standard –It was good enough for a cold test though: LHe demonstrated in solenoid during April –Linde are currently uprating the plant; it returns end May, aim to be fully re-commissioned with solenoid by mid-June –The MICE project now owns the Linde plant – important as we can now do things on our own Q4,5,6 –Installation and testing is complete. Cooling water now run at approx 60% of original flow rate – less strain on pipework
7 Muon Beamline cKOV & TOF0 –cKOV A & B are installed and have been tested –TOF0 has missed the May shutdown, due to uncertainties with PM tubes – more detail from Maurizio –Current plan is we get TOF0 in late June –Then install it outside DSA behind Q7 on temporary frame –Then we fit it inside DSA at correct place in August 4 th - 28 th –Plan to collect KL, trolley, TOF & KL cables June 3-6 th –In time for installation start of Step One 9 th June
8 Cooling Channel Elements Spectrometer solenoid –Magnet no 1 at RAL end late August –Magnet no 2 at RAL late October –Cryostat & Tracker readout system shipped 2 nd June AFC Modules –Two modules are authorised, but some delay at RAL getting contract actually placed –More details from Tom & Wing RF Cavities –Design review this week LH2 Plant –Prototype system installed in September ‘08
9 Infrastructure Magnetic shield walls –Installation of South support structure is 75% complete, delayed by compressor removal –First 35 tonne batch of plates has arrived, some plates are fitted – relatively trouble-free so far!
10 Infrastructure North Wall: –Design complete, order about to be placed, but local admin problem at RAL Concrete ramp removal: –Completed in April, structural defect discovered, but signed off as OK DSA roof, walkway and roof –Design complete, but shortened May shutdown meant we could not start – will be OK for August shutdown LH2 vents and mound excavation –Difficult to make progress! Latest plan is for pre- fabricated ducts that we install and partly backfill – minimal excavation. Real difficulty is lack of design time/staff so we can work in parallel Electrical Infrastructure: –Now responsibility of Steve Griffiths at DL – tasks are all broken down and understood. Are being tracked by the weekly MICO meeting Tim Hayler will give general Infrastructure update to TB this week
11 Infrastructure False Floor –Design is essentially complete, but verification of forces on magnetic parts by magnetic modelling is more complex than first thought, but is converging –We believe that we have a design that is sufficiently flexible to allow the RF project to fit with the floor as it evolves Rolling platforms –There are seven platforms in total. We have ordered 1 and 7, due to be delivered end June. Platforms 2-5 are designed, but we decided not to make them due to cost - will need some cheaper solution
12 Steps Towards Phase Two Step One Construction Sliding beamstop, install August Q7,8,9 Operational now Fixed beamstop, parts here, but not assembled yet KL, KL & TOF cables arrive RAL 8 th June TOF 0 will go here end June – in DSA August TOF1 arrives end June
13 Steps Towards Phase Two Bottom-up estimate for UK phase two, with all forseen engineering detail has been completed –But unsurprisingly it exceeds guideline by a large margin We are now working on three versions: –(i) the above ‘ideal’ –(ii) one that fits the guideline (this allows for the two AFCs and virtually nothing else, ie we don’t have a project) –(iii) a compromise between the above two This is in progress, some version of version three almost certain – but cuts, de-scope or re-schedule very likely
14 Project Organisation Richard Apsimon (PM) and Paul Flower (Hall Foreman) both took early retirement in March –Too early to tell real effect on the project, but it’s clear that it’s left a hole, especially in the vital Safety/admin role Recruitment exercise for PM at RAL/DL has failed to find suitable candidate –Possibility of a suitable person from IC though –But in any case, two FTEs for the PM/TC post is probably unaffordable for the likely UK Phase Two funding profile So it might be a problem! Good news is that the Hall working team under Willie Spensley is highly motivated and capable – essential that we keep it together, or at least the core for Phase Two
15 Open Issues and Concerns –Delivery of false floor – it has to be installed by September to allow steps 2 &3 –Overloading due to Richard’s and Paul’s departure –The UK Phase Two funding – our aspirations might not match the money available – uncomfortable. –Retention of existing design and technical staff (pressure from other projects)