Engagement with International Sustainability Processes
Opportunities (A) UN High-Profile Events - Rio+20 (incl. Peru March 2012 preparatory meeting) - CBD/COP 17,18, th Global RCE conference, Tongyeong, S. Korea, UNESCO ESD Conference, Nagoya, Japan - 9 th Global RCE Conference, Okayama, Japan (Hoted by RCE Okayama) MDG & EFA Review Global Agenda for Social Work, Stockholm, July - UNFCCC - Climate Conference on Large Cities, UNESCO conf. on Reorientation of Teacher Education, Toronto
(B) Regional Platforms (Non-UN) - ASEAN & ASEAN+3 - SARC (South Asia) - SADC; AU (Africa) - UNECE – Environment for Europe process; ESD Steering Committee - EcoWAS (Economic Commission of West African States) Baltic Black Sea Consortium Conf. - International Year of Cooperatives - COPERNICUS Alliance - Private Sector-related (e.g. Global Compact) - Afri-cities (link to national level) - African ministerial forum
(C) Processes - DESD Global M&E - UN partnership for DESD - Educational QA/Accreditations - Energy Cities (Europe & Canada) - ICLEI - Council of Europe - WEEC - EU Initiative – Joint Programming in HE - Engagement of Local/Municipal Policy Makers - PERL - World Environment Day; Earth Day, Int. biodiversity Day, etc. - UNESCO ASPNet - IFM - MEADIS - IUCN Meeting
Modalities (A) Side Events Paper presentations Side events at Rio (Sao Paolo and Curitiba) Support for RCEs for Rio+20 (e.g. with governments) Communicating local practices by innovators (e.g. via mobile communications)
(B) Publication and Research - Towards Rio+20 – Good practice as multi- stakeholder initiative - Learning about practices of “regional” initiatives (e.g. each RCE gives a short piece on change practices) - International structure as ‘carrying vehicle’ for local practices - Recognizing weakness/strengths leading to realizing potential of RCEs: clarifying; multiplying through engagement with ‘middle’ level policy makers; mapping of connections between grassroots activities and international level policies - Mapping of products
(C) Influencing International Sustainability Processes through National Governments - RCEs to work with respective national governments - Government dialogue at RCE conferences (D) Engagements with Important Networks - Approach foundations (e.g. Clinton, etc.) - ‘Third Space’ - Invite stakeholders of ‘labor’ to RCE conf. - Engage continental coordinators