Carl Bereiter Professor Emeritus Co-director of the Education Commons at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (416) et. Image from
Background Cofounder of IKIT - Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology Developed CSILE Member US Academy of Education Published in instruction, cognitive psychology, and education policy
IKIT Conducts research Develops technology Helps build communities aimed at advancing beyond ‘best practices’ International community pooling intellectual resources Knowledge building – continuous creation and improvement of ideas;
CSILE Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environment –Developed with Marlene Scardamalia –1 st networked system for collaborative learning –Current version – Knowledge Forum is used worldwide from primary grades to university levelKnowledge Forum –Has text and graphics capabilities
CSILE Continued Schools as communities: construction of knowledge is collective goal Students create nodes – pieces of information on a topic Other students comment which creates dialogue and an accumulation of knowledge Students refine thinking by reading and commenting on others writing
Article: Beyond Bloom’s Taxonomy: Rethinking Knowledge for the Knowledge Age – Developing Higher- Level Approaches to Knowledge Levels of Approach to Knowledge –From Level 0 to 7 –0: see knowledge as the way things are –1: understand one person may know something another does not –2: can relate things they know about a topic –3: can take into account what the reader already knows
Levels of Approach to Knowledge Continued –4: knowledge viewed from different perspectives –5: students view themselves as constructors of knowledge –6: knowledge objects are improvable –7: knowledge objects become things that one can relate to, use, manipulate, judge, and have feelings about
Co-Writer of Curriculum Projects SRA/Open Court Books –Reading series Real Math With online technology that includes e- textbook, e-games, and e-Math tools. Images from
Published in teaching & learning Teaching Disadvantaged Children in the Preschool (1966) The Psychology of Written Composition (1987) Surpassing Ourselves: An Inquiry into the Nature and Implications of Expertise (1993) Education and Mind in the Knowledge Age (2002) Education for the Knowledge Age: Design- centered Models of Teaching and Instruction (in the Handbook of Educational Psychology, 2006) With M. Scardamalia With S. Engleman
Resources Bereiter, C, & Scardamalia, M. (1998). Beyond Bloom's taxonomy: rethinking knowledge for the knowledge age; developing higher-level approaches to knowledge. Retrieved from Carl Bereiter. (n.d.). Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology. Retrieved from HDAP :: Carl Bereiter. (n.d.). HDAP :: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Retrieved from ofessors_Emeriti/Carl_Bereiter/index.html Knowledge Building - a Definition. (n.d.). Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology. Retrieved February 4, 2010, from Researcher profile. (n.d.). Canadian Education Association. Retrieved from