Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 1 Section 505 – Philadelphia September 20, 2006 “Early Bird” Program Meeting ASQ “Make Good Great” Richard A. Litts Rick Region 5 Regional Director
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 2 Agenda Overview of Region 5 Philadelphia Section Society Update ASQ Strategic Themes Plan for Region – 2007 Member Value Summit Volunteer Excellence Award (VEA) SAC-4 Education Training Board (ETB) Region 5 Quality Conference Fall 2007 What would Philadelphia Section 505 like to see?
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 3 Society Membership 7/1/04100,881 7/1/05 94,200 7/1/06 93,715
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 4 ASQ Members Manufacturing65.2% Service19.2% Health Care 4.5% Government 3.1% Education 2.2% Other 5.8% 68% are Years of age 23% are Female
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 5 Section 505 – Philadelphia Region 511 Sections 500 Lehigh Valley North Central Pa Baltimore Harrisburg Philadelphia Delaware Southern Jersey Washington (DC) & Maryland Metro Reading Northern VA Delmarva 74 TOTAL 5384 »
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 6 Society Update Living Community Model (LCM) –Student –Forum – Interest in Q-Specific Industry or topic –Associate – Interest in Q-Tools & Techniques –Regular –Senior –Fellow –Sustaining – Company Site Specific –Organizational (Pilot)
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 7 Section 505 – Philadelphia Forum 2 Student 12 Associate 16 Regular 779 Senior 348 Fellow 15 Sustaining 5 Organizational 5 Total1182
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 8 ASQ Retention Rate Society 71.4% Philadelphia72.9% Region 573.7%
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 9 Philadelphia Compared to Other Sections 1.Minnesota % 2.Toronto Chicago Greater Detroit Milwaukee Atlanta Orange Empire Silicon Valley Boston Philadelphia %
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 10 Why ASQ Members Value Membership 1.Networking 2.Training, Certification, Events 3.Stay up to date with Quality Progress 4.Flexible Levels of Membership 5.Identify self as striving for excellence 6.Grow profession with Body of Knowledge (BoK) 7.Articles/White Papers
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 11 Why ASQ Members Value Membership 8.Web-based training courses 9.Resources for certification preparation 10.ASQ worlds’ leading authority on everything Quality for the past 60 years and will be for generations to come
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 12 Overview of the Section Volunteer Community A Resource for Section Members and Leaders “Michael Manteuffel” Region 5 Community Care Administrator
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation – 2007 Plan for Region 5 Visit all 11 Sections Appoint Several Deputy Regional Directors Section Ideas regarding working together/sharing resources Promote Volunteer Excellence Award (VEA) Promote Fellow Membership Provide Regional Member Leader Training Implement RD – DRD’s - Section Chairs Communication Channel
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 14 Changes Board of Directors
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 15 Vision By making quality a global priority, an organizational imperative, and a personal ethic, the American Society for Quality becomes the community for everyone who seeks quality technology, concepts, or tools to improve themselves and their world
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 16 Global Community – World Partners Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQA) Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) Korean Standards Association Singapore Quality Institute (SQI) European Organization for Quality (EOQ) Excellence Finland
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 17 Global Community – World Partners Excellence Ireland Spanish Association for Quality (AEC) German Society for Quality Israel Society for Quality (ISQ) Instituto Profesional Argentino para la Calidad y la Excelencia (IPACE) National Quality Institute (Canada) PGQP – Regional Program of Quality and Productivity (Brazil)
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 18 Roles and Long Term Objectives To be stewards of the quality profession by providing member (customer) value. To be stewards of the quality movement by providing increased society value from ASQ activities.
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 19 Priority Strategic Themes 1.Support the quality professionals and practitioners in their efforts to grow in value in the workplace and community. 2.Prove and communicate the economic case for quality. 3.Assure that a vital, growing Body of Knowledge is accessible to everyone. 4.Become the community of choice for quality. 5.Grow the use and impact of quality in every segment of the economy. 6.Make sure the world knows the importance and value of quality.
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 20 Society Update Bylaws –Section Operating Agreement (SOA) –Members Voted on National Bylaw Revisions 4/16/05
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 21 What does this mean for section leadership? Members Elect – Chair, Secretary & Treasurer Officers – chair-elect/vice chair position not required. Create section policy for additional officers. Chair Appoints Committee chairs – Audit, Membership, Nominating required. Create policy for standing committees. HQ position descriptions must be used for required positions. Elections – specifics removed; sections determine timeline to meet reporting requirements
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 22 Member Value Summit October 2005 Milwaukee WI ASQ Leadership - Headquarters Section Affairs Council (SAC) Section Leaders
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 23 Member Value Summit - Purpose The Future of ASQ and Quality: An introspective look at the ASQ Vision, and future direction of ASQ and quality. Questions: 1.Why do people become members? 2.Why do people renew membership? 3.Why do members volunteer? 4.What are members’ value expectations from ASQ 5.What do we do NOW to enhance member value?
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 24 Member Value Summit Summit Outcome Activity Report (SOAR)
SOAR Office Leadership ML Communications –Connie Faylor –Laurel Nelson-Rowe Body of Knowledge –Sue Jacobs –Chris Bauman, Bill Tony SOAR Project Office –Grace Duffy –Paul Borawski Architecture –David Little –Karla Riesinger Education and Training –Larry Smith –Brian LeHouillier
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 26 Key Theme #1 Education and Training Design Team Assignment from Summit: Create a unified vision of how the Society carries out its training and education in today’s world, in a way that is responsive to the needs of member and customer and best utilizes sections, divisions, and headquarters capabilities.
Education and Training Vision Task Force Progress to Date: Vision statement created Voice of Customer training for ASQ staff Benchmarking possible partners Modular Development sub-team up and running
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 28 Key Theme #2 Member Leader Communication Design Team Assignment from Summit: Create a system responsive to the needs of member leaders to be known, be involved, and have access to the information they need.
Member Leader Communications Task Force Progress to Date: As-is model communicated Friday Fast Facts debuted June 30 Continues reducing duplication ML Training Role Descriptions
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 30 Key Theme #3 Body of Knowledge Prepare the known knowledge of quality for best use in the quality community and assure a vital flow of new knowledge.
Body of Knowledge Task Force Progress to Date: Reviewed vision Compiled “as is” model and macro process
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 32 Summary This is a strong response to Summit All three themes are provided for as Essential Activity on next year’s Business Plan. The themes are large projects involving change (we’re not so good at enabling change) Apply the knowledge we’re learning about change leadership
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 33 Volunteer Excellence Award (VEA) Section Affairs Council (SAC) Policy No. SAC-4 Sections can award up to two per year Recognize –Individuals or –Teams
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 34 VEA
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 35 Education Training Board (ETB) Training Programs for Members eLearning – Need Help! –Course Reviewers –$ Honorarium –RU’s (Recertification Units) –CEU (Continuing Education Units) completion of course –Course Completion Certificate Interested? Contact Dave Little
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 36 Section 505 – Philadelphia What would Section 505 members want to see from ASQ Headquarters, Section, Region 5 or Regional Director????
Rev Philadelphia Program Meeting RD Presentation 37 Section 505 – Philadelphia Thank You for attending. It is appreciated! Enjoy the Main Event Have a safe trip home!!! See you at an ASQ Event! ASQ “Make Good Great”