Motivation WWW, Search engines, social networking Hyperlinks – author, human, index, rank Social Networks No study to examine information exchange Explicit links between users, not content Can these links be used by search engines? In this paper Compare mechanisms for publishing and location Experiment: Social network based Web search Challenges in leveraging social networks in the future
The Web verses Social Networks Publishing Users place documents on Web server Author places hyperlinks on Web page that refer to related pages Links placed to increase rank and promote indexing Locating Web search engines employing sophisticated technologies Google: Uses hyperlink structure and query/page relevance Limitations: New pages: discovering/indexing, hyper-linking, link(s) discovery # of links determines relevance -> reflects interests/biases of the Web Ignored: Unlinked/private pages, pages with insufficient relevance
The Web verses Social Networks Ex: User shares Web content with friends; content is invisible to others; content is now linked between users Publishing Content is posted by the user and is recommended by others Links among users: Directed (distinct) & Undirected (mutual) Locating Traversing the social network, keyword search, top 10 lists Timely, relevant & reliable (non-)textual info can be found Content is rated by consumers, not producers Content is rated almost immediately; doesn’t rely on discovery
Integrating Web search and social networks Problem No unified search tool, no unified finding tool as well Social network-based search not used in Web and vice versa Questions Leverage social network links to improve search results Explore benefits of social network-based Web search Solution Conduct an experiment to validate these
PeerSpective: The experiment Web content of 10 students/researchers are shared A HTTP proxy indexes all visited URLs by an user When a Google search (query) is performed Local proxy forwards query to Google and to all peer proxies All proxies execute the query on local index & return results Results are collated and presented alongside the Google results
PeerSpective: Measurements & Experiences In a month long experimental deployment (10 users) 439, 384 HTTP requests 198, 492 distinct URLs (45%) 113, 800 HTML and PDF requests (25.9%) User base is small, with highly specialized interests The results may not represent a large, diverse group Technology Local text search engine – Lucene Local peer-peer overlay engine - FreePastry
Limits of hyperlink-based search Web search engines index only well linked content Limit: URLs visited by users / not indexed by Google Reasons why a page might not be indexed The page could be too new (blogs, news) The page could be in deep web and not well connected The page could be in dark web (private pages)
PeerSpective verses Google For each HTTP request Does Google’s index contain this URL Has some peer in PeerSpective viewed this URL Static HTML content (No GET/POST) 6,679 requests (<6%) for 3,987 URLs (2%) Google Index Covers 62.5% of the requests, 68.1% of the distinct URLs 1/3rd of all URL requests cannot be retrieved by Google PeerSpective Index Covers 30.4% of requested URLs Achieves half of Google’s coverage with a much smaller size 13.3% of the URLs were in PeerSpective but not in Google’s index 19.5% improvement by PeerSpective compared to Google search What are the documents that interests our users, but not Google ?
Benefits of social network-based search Search engines have to rank pages Users rarely go beyond first 20 search results 1,730 Google searches were observere d First page results: Google – 9.45, PeerSpective – 5.17 1,079 (62.3%) resulted in clicks on result(s) 307 (17.7%) were followed by a refined query Users gave up 344 (19.8%) of the time 933 (86.5%) of clicked results were returned only by Google 83 (7.7%) of clicked results were returned only by PeerSpective 63 (5.7%) of clicked results were returned by both 9% improvement in search result clicks over Google alone
How PeerSpective outperforms Google Disambiguation Search terms have multiple meanings depending on the context Ranking Search engine: Top rank, Social Network: Nearby pages Serendipity Making unexpected or fortunate discoveries
Opportunities and Challenges Online social networking enables new forms of information exchange Users can very easily and conveniently publish information Makes it possible to locate and access “WOM” information Organizes information according to tastes and preferences of smaller groups of individuals Opportunities and Challenges Privacy – willingness of individuals to share information Membership and clustering of social networks Content rating and ranking (page rank, views) System architecture (centralized or distributed)
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