1) What is a “bloc”? A group of Allies or closely linked states
2) What happened to Korea at the end of WWII? Soviets liberated the North, Western Allies the South
3) What was agreed at the Yalta Conference? That both would leave once free elections were held
4) What was interesting about South Korea? Wasn’t really democratic, but was anti- communist, and that was enough for the US.
5) What was the name of the divide between North and South? THE 38 DEGREE PARALLEL
6) Who was the leaders of North and South Korea? NORTH- Kim Ill Sung SOUTH- Syngman Rhee
7) What important event took place in China in 1949? Communist government took over in China under Chairman Mao.
8) Why had America not intervened in China? Troops needed in Berlin Difficult to support corrupt Nationalist government in China
9) Why had America not intervened in China? Troops needed in Berlin Difficult to support corrupt Nationalist government in China
10) Who was the US General in charge of the counter attack against North Korean forces? General Douglas McArthur
11) How did China react to the arrival of US forces? Urged on by Stalin- warned US forces not to invade North Korea?
12) What happened when American troops reached the Yalu river? Chinese invaded and pushed US forces back. Settled on the 38 th parallel, adopted trench-like warfare.
13) Why did the war seem to end here? Neither side wanted an all out war, or to drag the Soviets themselves into the conflict.
14) What issues did MacArthur & Truman have? MacArthur wanted to push on into China, and even use the atomic bomb, whilst Truman was aware of how the US public tired of the war, and how pushing into China went further than the UN mandate had asked them to.
15) What happened between them? MacArthur complained to a Republican Congressman, who went public with the dispute. Despite his popularity, MacArthur had no choice but to sack him.
16) When did the war end? Why? (3 reasons) 1953 Initial stubborness in negotiations Changing circumstances- death of Stalin and election of Eisenhower China stalled on talks- threatened with nuclear war twice by Secretary of State John Dulles.