What’s Up With That?
Think for a moment… A suit of armor protected a knight from injuries in battle. Imagine what it would be like to wear a suite of armor. For one thing, it would feel very heavy. Also, you’d probably make a great deal of noise every time you moved. In some ways, your skin is like a suit of armor. It isn’t as strong, but it has many advantages over metal armor.
INTEGUMENT The Structure and Function of Skin
Integument “Covering” Includes skin & skin appendages Glands Hair Nails
Functions of Skin Protection Mechanical Pathogens UV Damage Chemical Thermal Dessication (drying out)
Functions of Skin Temperature regulation Excretion – perspiration eliminates salts & urea Sensation –temperature, touch, pressure & pain Vitamin D synthesis
Skin Structure (deep to superficial)
Hypodermis Not part of skin, but anchors it to underlying organs Mostly adipose tissue (fat) & other connective tissue Responsible for most female curves
Dermis (still deep to superficial) Dense connective tissue Two layers: Reticular layer – contains glands, blood vessels, & deep pressure receptors (Pacinian corpuscles) Papillary layer – made of projections called papillae that cause fingerprints and contain: Pain receptors (free nerve endings) Touch receptors (Meissner’s corpuscles) Capillary loops
Epidermis No blood vessels Bottom layer is rapidly dividing Top layer is all dead cells
The Big Picture
Questions to Consider What is a blister? Why doesn’t it hurt to shave? It takes off layers of cells every time. Why don’t people bleed when they shave? What is a tattoo? People say “beauty is only skin deep”. Do you agree when nearly everything you see on a person is dead?