SESSION 6 MISCOMMUNICATION (IPA) ACT 1: Simon says… To introduce the Phonemic Chart as an aid to correct pronunciation ACT 2: Yes, we can do it To practise the sounds through drills and tongue twisters ACT 3: Dictionary quiz To raise awareness about the usefulness of the dictionary
EnglishIncorrect pronunciations the, this, that father, mother, brother station driver pump hold, hold it desks tests climbing, plumber, bomber fish and chips, difficult de, dis, dat fader, mader, brader setation deriver pum hol, holit des tes clim-bing, plum-ber, bom- ber feesh and cheeps, deefeecult Common pronunciation problems in Malaysia
Activity 1: Simon says……. Key Chalk Quick Church Cascade Quake Facade Mosque Chalet Quay Awry Chauffeur Differentiate the group of words into 2 categories. spelling = pronunciationspelling ≠ pronunciation
How do you pronounce ‘oo’ in: moon, spoon blood, flood ‘oo’ sound ‘uh’ sound The letters of the alphabet is not a good guide to pronunciation. Phonemic symbols are a good guide, because each symbol represents one sound consistently.
sheep pool heart sawsaw girl Long vowels
ship pull hut got cat about penpen Short vowels
DIPHTHONG - A double vowel (two vowels together) pronounced as a single sound. day tour boy hair here mymy cowcow go go Diphthong
p en t ime ch in b ed d id j ump k ilo gogo Unvoiced consonants Voiced consonants
f ive v ery s ickz oo sh oe vis ion th ink th e Unvoiced consonants Voiced consonants
Activity 1_HO 2 1.Identify the vowel and diphthong sounds. 2.Identify and read aloud the words. Long vowels tree bath /tri:/ /b ɑ :θ / boot/bu:t / third boar /θ ɜ : r d/ Short vowels cat eastern insect egg dog hut foot /k ӕ t/ /i:stə r n/ / ɪ nsekt/ /eg/ /d ɒ g/ /h ʌ t/ /f ʊ t/ Dipthongs ear snake tourist boy postman pear bicycle cow /ɪər//ɪər/ /t ʊ ərist/ /b ɔɪ / /pə ʊ stmən/ /peə r / /ba ɪ s ɪ k ə l/ /ka ʊ / /sne ɪ k/ /b ɔ : r /
Activity 2: Yes, we can do it…. In groups, read aloud the tongue twisters…. i.very softly ii.very slowly iii.very quickly In groups, read aloud the tongue twisters…. i.very softly ii.very slowly iii.very quickly In groups, i.transcribe the underlined words. aloud the rhyme entitled Hints on Pronunciation with correct stress, rhythm and intonation. In groups, i.transcribe the underlined words. aloud the rhyme entitled Hints on Pronunciation with correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
tough /t ʌ f/ dead/ded/ bough /ba ʊ / bead/bi: d/ cough /k ɒ f/ deed/di: d/ dough /do ʊ / suite/swi:t/ hiccough /h ɪ k ɒ f/ debt/det/ thorough /θ ʌ rə/ moth /m ɔ :θ/ laugh /la ɪ f/ broth /br ɒ θ/ through/θru:/pear/peə r / heard /hɜ:rd//hɜ:rd/ sword /s ɔ : r d/ beard /b ɪ ə r d / thwart / θwt ɔ : r /
Activity 3: Dictionary Quiz In pairs, find the answers to the following questions using the dictionary. 1rough / r ʌ tf 2blokeInformal British English 3houseA building people live in 4Furniture, news, information Uncountable nouns (seen as N-uncount) 5readread /red/ 6walk, speak, talk, wait, drink, eat A walk, a talk, the two-hour wait, a drink, 7democratic /deməkr ӕ t ɪ k/ 8put but /p ʊ t/ /bət/ 9___ mistakemake a mistake 10married ____married to
ði: /end/