Residual and Antifeedant Activity of Landscape Insecticides Against Japanese Beetles Rebecca Baumler, Bonny Miller, & Daniel A. Potter Department of Entomology “ Fear No Beetle”
Managing Adult Japanese Beetles In Landscapes
Plant Selection is Priority 1!!
Highly susceptible: Most lindens Purple leaf plum Sassafras Norway maple Roses Certain crabapples Roses Hibiscus Resistant: Red maples Most oaks Flowering dogwood Redbud Beech Hickory Tuliptree Sweetgum
Traps contain two lures: a floral scent, and the female sex pheromone
Traps were evaluated in home landscapes and on golf courses
Professional / Homeowner ProfessionalActive ingredientHome TalstarOnebifenthrinOrtho OnyxbifenthrinBug-B-Gon AstropermethrinMany Scimitar GCL-cyhalothrinSpec - Tria DeltaGard T&Odeltamethrin Tempo SCcyfluthrinMulti- Insect Bayer Advancedcyfl./imidaclopridRose & Flower Sevin SLcarbarylBayer
“Homeowner” products tested Neem-away ® (azadirachtin) Pyola ® (pyrethrins + canola oil) Hot Pepper Wax (capsaicin) Surround ® (kaolin clay particle film) Rotenone/pyrethrins combo Orange Guard ® (limonene) Garlic Guard ® (garlic extract) Sevin ® (carbaryl)
Tilia cordata (littleleaf linden) used for all trials
Tagged shoots sprayed Left in field to weather for intervals of 1 to 19 d Shoots harvested, leaves challenged with JB
Pyrethroids Provide at least 19 Days Control!
Orange Guard Garlic Guard Two of the “organic” products caused severe phytotoxicity:
Surround ® (kaolin clay) did not deter feeding
Neem-awayUntreated Pyola
Neem (Azadirachtin): Natural insecticide extracted from from seeds of a tropical tree
Summary Pyrethroids (DeltaGard, Talstar, Scimitar, Tempo) gave at least 19 days’ residual protection; longer than Sevin Most “homeowner” organic products were ineffective Pyola ® (pyrethrins & canola oil) and Neem-Away ® deterred feeding for 3-7 days.
Support Provided By: UK Nursery/Landscape Research Endowment Fund USDA New Crops Opportunities Grant US Dept. of Agriculture “ Fear No Beetle”