Supernova Remnant Reveals Magnesium in Abundance Instrument ACISACIS Reference S. Park et al, 2003 Astrophys. J. 592, L41 Distance Estimate 160,000 light years (distance to Large Magellanic Cloud) Also Known As SNR Release Date March 24, 2004 Credit NASA/CXC/Penn State/S.Park et al.Scale Each panel is 3.25 arcmin per side Category Supernovas and Supernova RemnantsCoordinates (J2000) RA 05h 25m 26.04s | Dec -65º 59' 06.90“Supernovas and Supernova Remnants Constellation DoradoObservation Date September 15, 2001Dorado Observation Time 8.3 hoursObs. ID 1041 Color Code Energy (Left panel: Red keV, Green keV, Blue keV; Right panel: Pink keV; Cyan/Blue = Mg)
Chandra Inside Glowing Ring “Oxygen and neon are the most abundant elements in the remnant, evidence that the star that exploded was at least ten times as massive as the Sun.” Color Code Energy (Red keV, Green keV, Blue keV) What do you think the red in the image represents?
Celestial Illumination: The X-Ray Glow From An Exploded Star A Chandra “blue blob” Color Code Intensity: X-ray (blue), Optical (green), Radio (red) Inverted Chandra Image of N63A “The fluffy crescent-shaped X-ray features that appear around the edge of the remnant are thought to be fragments of high-speed matter shot out from the star when it exploded, like shrapnel from a bomb. “
Color Code Energy: Red keV, Cyan keV, Blue keV Color Code Energy: Red keV, Green keV, Blue keV
Load Chandra data into ds9 and use “energy cut” to show photons within a certain energy range. Save each energy cut as a separate.tiff file.
Load.tiff files made with ds9 showing “soft”, “medium” and “hard” x-rays into Image J to make final 3-color composite.
ds9 Image J