Googling علي شيخيان دكتراي ايمونولوژي و سرولوژي عضو هيأت علمي دانشگاه علوم پزشكي لرستان
Scirus Search Engine
The Range of Scientific Content Scirus Covers Scirus returns results from the whole Web, including access- controlled sites that other search engines don't index. Scirus currently covers over 380 million science-related Web pages,
Including: 124 sites 40 sites 20 sites 38 sites 38 sites Over 118 million other relevant STM (In publishing, "STM publishing" means the scientific, technical and medical field of publishing) and University sites from around the world. publishing
In addition to Web pages, Scirus indexes the following special sources 600,000 e-prints from 57,700 full-text articles from BioMed CentralBioMed Central 23,300 documents from Caltech CodaCaltech Coda 3,400 e-prints from CogprintsCogprints 87,100 full-text articles from Crystallography Journals OnlineCrystallography Journals Online 28,600 documents from CURATORCURATOR 2.4 million documents from Digital ArchivesDigital Archives 21,400 documents from DiVaDiVa 105,000 full text articles from Project EuclidProject Euclid 6,000 documents from HKUST Institutional RepositoryHKUST Institutional Repository 314,000 full text articles from Institute of Physics PublishingInstitute of Physics Publishing 23.8 million patent data from LexisNexisLexisNexis
In addition to Web pages, Scirus indexes the following special sources 19.1 million Medline citations via PubMedMedline 75,900 documents from MIT OpenCourseWareMIT OpenCourseWare 25,200 technical reports from NASANASA 876,000 full-text theses and dissertations via NDLTDNDLTD 10,400 documents from Organic EprintsOrganic Eprints 1890 documents from PsyDokPsyDok 1.7 million articles from PubMed CentralPubMed Central 884,000 documents from RePEcRePEc 8.6 million full-text articles from ScienceDirectScienceDirect 474,000 full-text journal articles from ScitationScitation 9,100 articles from SIAMSIAM 18,100 documents from University of Toronto T-SpaceT-Space
General Search Tips To perform a search with Scirus, enter your keyword(s) in the box provided and click on the Search button. When searching using multiple keywords you can narrow your search by using the + and - characters: +keyword(s) - all of your search results will contain this word -keyword(s) - none of your search results will contain this word
Boolean operators Scirus also supports the Boolean operators AND, OR and ANDNOT
Exact phrase: You can use quotation marks (“ ”) to search for an exact phrase. For example: "groundwater pollution" will return results where the exact term "groundwater pollution" appears in the text
Wildcarding Scirus supports the use of wildcard characters when conducting a search: Use a question mark (?) to replace a single character anywhere in a word: te?t finds test and text ?-phenyl finds o-phenyl and p-phenyl
Use an asterisk ( * ) to replace multiple characters anywhere in a word. It replaces 0 or more characters in the word (i.e. a search for car* will return car as well as carbon, etc.): parasit* finds parasite, parasitic, parasitology, parasitemia
Abbreviations You can run fielded searches using abbreviated field terms. You may find the following abbreviations useful: author - au: Title - ti: Journal - jo: keywords - ke: URL - url: domain name - dom: author affiliation(s) -af:
Basic Search To perform a search with Scirus, enter your keyword(s) in the box provided and click on the Search button. Before you begin, you can select up to three datasets in which to run your search from the checkboxes below the search bar:
Three datasets Journal sources Preferred Web sources Other Web sources
What are Journal sources? Journal sources are generally peer-reviewed journals found on the Web and include subscription-based and open access titles.
What are Preferred Web sources Preferred Web sources are the subset of valuable collections found on the Web, including patents, preprints and eprints (ArXiv and Orgprints), theses and dissertations (NDLTD), technical reports (NASA) and documents found in institutional repositories.
What are other Web sources? university Web sites scientists' homepages news pages government sites society homepages company homepages conference information
Advanced Search Scirus Advanced Search offers you the ability to search on more specific fields. To begin, enter your keywords and specify in which fields you want that query to search:
The complete document Article title Journal title Author name(s) Author affiliation(s) Keyword(s) ISSN (Part of a) URL
Results Page Once you've run your query Scirus will return a list of results based on your search parameters.