Panel Discussion Groups D, E, F, & G Solar Cycle 24 Workshop Napa, CA 12 December, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Panel Discussion Groups D, E, F, & G Solar Cycle 24 Workshop Napa, CA 12 December, 2008

Panel Members Group D – Global Energetics –Dick Mewaldt / Brian Dennis Group E – Flares –Eduard Kontar –Ryan Milligan –Albert Shih Group F – CMEs –Meredith Miles-Davey –James McAteer Group G – Microflares –Steven Christe –Iain Hannah

Group D - Global Energetics Available Magnetic Energy100% Flare Energy –Total radiated energy10% GOES Thermal1% Electrons1% Ions1% CME10% –Potential1% –Kinetic9% SEPs1% –Protons –Heavies

TSI and VUV Radiative Energies During X-Class Solar Flares Chris Moore Undergraduate Student U. of Iowa (2 summers at LASP/U. of Colorado) Phillip Chamberlin, Rachel Hock, Greg Kopp LASP/U. of Colorado 10/31/2015Moore - Onset of SC 24

TIM/TSI scaling Accuracy of 100 ppm (0.01%)

Relationships 10/31/2015RHESSI Workshop - Potsdam7

Future Improvements Continuing measurements – SORCE TIM New measurements –TSI GLORY TIM (launch July 2009) Imaging observations???? GONG to correct for p-mode noise???? –VUV SDO EVE (launch Mid-2009 to early 2010) Modeling –Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM)

Mewaldt et al.

Group G - Microflares All flares are the same –Nano, micro, and “real” flares –Active region related –Flows –Nonthermal component –Polar jets Size distribution of flares –Flatter than 2

XRT Nanoflares P. Grigis XRT Nanoflares P. Grigis XRT Polar bright points and jets J. Cirtain XRT Polar bright points and jets J. Cirtain Group G – Microflares & Nanoflares Evaporation in microflares J. Brosius & R. Milligan Evaporation in microflares J. Brosius & R. Milligan

Morphology of microflares T. Shimizu Morphology of microflares T. Shimizu Current sheets form readily Å. Janse Current sheets form readily Å. Janse Nonthermal particles in nanoflares. Q. Chen Nonthermal particles in nanoflares. Q. Chen RHESSI Microflare Statistics S. Christe & I. Hannah RHESSI Microflare Statistics S. Christe & I. Hannah

Impulsive energetic release (nanoflare, microflare, XBP, X class flare) are all the same. Its all a matter of scale and energy.

HXR microflares/nanoflares do not heat the corona. RHESSI Microflare Statistics I. Hannah & S. Christe RHESSI Microflare Statistics I. Hannah & S. Christe RHESSI Quiet Sun Flux I. Hannah RHESSI Quiet Sun Flux I. Hannah

Group E - Flares Coronal hard X-ray sources - MARCO Source sizes & expanding magnetic fields Velocity vs. temperature & chromospheric evaporation –Need for continuous Hinode observations Gamma-ray spectra –Alpha/proton ratio –Proton spectrum

Non-thermal coronal sources Number of nonthermal (accelerated) electrons must be of the same order as ambient thermal electrons or larger= > purely nothermal source? => acceleration region ? => EIS ratios to determine pre-flare densities?

Key Measurements & Candidate Instruments Coronal magnetic fields ATST (Advanced Technology Solar Telescope), FASR (Frequency Agile Solar Radio observatory) EUV vector magnetograph Plasma density, temperature, and flows Soft X-ray imaging spectrometer EUV/UV imaging spectrograph UV spectrometer/coronagraph White-light imaging coronagraph Suprathermal seed particles UV spectrometer/coronagraph Focusing optics hard X-ray spectroscopic imager Energetic electrons and ions Focusing optics hard X-ray spectroscopic imager Gamma-ray imaging spectro-polarimeter Neutron spectrometer MAgnetic Reconnection in the COrona (MARCO) Science Objective Understand the physics of the magnetic reconnection in the corona that initiates the release of energy for solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and that leads to solar energetic particle (SEP) acceleration. Observational Objectives 1.Measure the temperature, density, and magnetic field in reconnection regions and follow their spatial/temporal evolution 2.Measure the density, speed, and direction of the slow (  0.01  0.1 V A ) and fast (~V A ) plasma flows associated with reconnection 3.Locate electron and ion acceleration regions 4.Characterize the seed population for accelerated ions 5.Determine the energy spectra and angular distributions of the accelerated electrons and ions, and their spatial/temporal evolution 6.Determine the three-dimensional density structure, initiation time profile, and velocity of the shocks that accelerate SEPs 7.Characterize the partition of energy amongst the various manifestations of energy release Associated RFAs: F1, F2, H1, J2, J3 Mission Implementation With the next generation of instruments it will be possible to probe reconnection, transient energy release, and particle acceleration in the corona. Simultaneous comprehensive measurements by multiple space instruments are needed, in conjunction with ground-based instruments (e.g., ATST and FASR) to measure coronal magnetic fields, morphology, etc. MARCO combines the necessary space instrumentation on a single 3-axis stabilized spacecraft with an extendable ~20 m boom, in a low-Earth orbit. Total payload resources: ~2000 kg / 1500 W / 1 TB per day Operation during solar cycle 25 starting in ~2020 Instrument Payload To be determined from a science & technology definition team study, with many possibilities described in other quad charts in this Roadmap (e.g., RAMM, FOXSI, GRIPS, GRAPE, FACTS, UVSC, COMPASS). Left: RHESSI/TRACE observations of gamma-ray line (blue) & hard X-ray continuum (red) footpoints straddling the flare loops, revealing both ion & electron acceleration related to reconnection. Right: HINODE XRT image sequence showing evidence of magnetic reconnection.

Hinode flare operations => High temperature (T> 10 MK) line profiles of from Hard X-ray footpoints are predominantly stationary => weak evaporation?

Hinode flare operations => Continuous observations of an active region to have flare observations from the start to the end =>Not to rely on “flare trigger mode”

Magnetic field structure from RHESSI Hard X-rays => Magnetic field structure in the chromosphere => direct measurements of canopy heights? keV keV keV keV keV 1’’

Element abundances from gamma lines => Average ambient Mg and Fe abundance ratio consistent with photospheric abundances while ambient Si abundance appears to be closer to coronal. No consistent low FIP enhancement. => Average accelerated heavy ion (Ne, Mg, Si, and Fe)/O abundance ratio consistent with corona and photosphere but not impulsive SEPs. => New average accelerated alpha/proton ratio (~0.15 ) is elevated.

Flare gamma-ray observations Controversial statements? –The flare acceleration of ions and electrons to high energies is directly proportional, but they interact at spatially separate locations. –The ambient abundances are photospheric rather than coronal, and the flare-accelerated abundances do not agree with impulsive SEPs. New tools: TALYS, instrument response models New instruments: FGST, GRIPS, and others

Final comment: The number problem still unsolved for thirty years?

Group F Outstanding CME Science Questions How do we explain CME initiation? –Relating models/simulations to data –“Problem events” How do CMEs relate to other origins phenomena? –Flares, filaments, dimming regions, coronal waves How do CMEs evolve? –Acceleration/deceleration –3D Kinematics

CME Wish List Better data (future instruments) –High cadence EUV (AIA) –Imaging spectrograph –Low-corona coronagraph –Vectormagnetograph (HMI) Analysis methods –Quantitative –Quantitative analysis! –Large-scale statistical studies –“Cradle to grave” case studies Meaningful metadata –Automated metadata extraction