Solar-B Mission Status, Operations and Planning Len Culhane – UK EIS Principal Investigator Louise Harra – UK Project Scientist David Williams – UK EIS.


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Presentation transcript:

Solar-B Mission Status, Operations and Planning Len Culhane – UK EIS Principal Investigator Louise Harra – UK Project Scientist David Williams – UK EIS Chief Observer Mullard Space Science Laboratory University College London

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Solar-B Spacecraft and Mission EIS Team Roles and Responsibilities UK (MSSL (PI), Birmingham, RAL):  CCD cameras, Structure, On-board Processor, Filter Housing, Calibration USA (NRL, GSFC, Columbia):  Optics, Coatings, Mechanisms, Filters, Japan (NAOJ, ISAS):  Testing, Integration with Spacecraft Norway (UiO):  EGSE and Quick-look Software All participants are involved in Post-launch Mission Operations and Data Analysis

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning  Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) Largest optical telescope (d = 0.5m) to observe Sun from space Diffraction-limited (0.2 – 0.3 arcsec) imaging in range 388 – 668 nm Vector magnetic field and velocity measurement at the photosphere  X-Ray Telescope (XRT) High angular resolution ( < 2 arc sec) coronal imaging Wide temperature coverage: 1 MK < T e < 30 MK  EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Coronal raster imaging at 2 arc sec Plasma diagnostics (T e, n e, v) in 170 – 210Å and 250 – 290Å ranges Solar-B Mission Instruments

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning SOT Filtergraph Fields of View Rectangle shows the Narrowband Filter FOV, 320 x 160 arc sec with 0.08 arc sec pixels (4096 x 2048) - inner square is 160 x 160 arc sec Broadband Filter FOV is 216 x 108 arc sec Both filter systems share a single CCD. Broadband Filter system has higher magnification (0.053 arc sec pixels) to preserve SOT diffraction- limited resolution

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Filtergraph Observables and Vector Magnetograms Filtergrams –Broad-band Filter Imager: all 6 bands - only observable made by BFI –Narrow-band Filter Imager: all 9 lines and nearby continuum Dopplergrams –Images of the Doppler shift of a spectral line - line of sight velocity –Derived from narrow-band filtergrams at several wavelength Longitudinal Magnetograms –Location, polarity and estimate of flux for LoS magnetic field –Derived from narrow-band filtergrams converted to Stokes I and V Stokes Parameters I, Q, U, V –Analysis of I, Q, U, V at multiple wavelengths in a spectral line yields vector magnetograms –SpectropoIarimeter scans 1.6 arc sec in 50 sec or 160 arc sec in 83 min with vector field measurement: B (longitudinal) to ± 3 Gauss B (transverse) to ± 30 Gauss Field direction to ± 1 o

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning X-ray Telescope Response Telescope has ~ three times greater effective area than Yohkoh SXT Nine filters cover 1 MK < T e < 30 MK with T e resolution of  (log T e ) = 0.2 White light (G-band) solar images can be registered on the CCD at one filter wheel position – this allows X-ray to visible image alignment XRT observables: Full-Sun X-ray and white light images

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Large Effective Area in two EUV bands: Å and Å –Multi-layer Mirror (15 cm dia ) and Grating; both with optimized Mo/Si Coatings –CCD camera; Two 2048 x 1024 high QE back illuminated CCDs Spatial resolution: 1 arc sec pixels/2 arc sec resolution Line spectroscopy with ~ 25 km/s per pixel sampling and ~ 3 – 5 km/s Doppler velocity estimates for ≥ 100 photons per line Field of View : –Raster: 6 arc min×8.5 arc min; –FOV centre moveable E – W by ± 15 arc min Wide temperature coverage: log T = 4.7, 5.4, K Simultaneous observation of up to 25 lines/spectral windows EIS - Instrument Features

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning EIS Field-of-View 360  512  EIS Slit: 1 or 2 arc sec Maximum FOV for raster observation 512  900  Raster-scan range Shift of FOV center with coarse-mirror motion 250  slot 40  slot 512 

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning SOT/FPP Data a) b) c) Solar-B Mission Data Acquisition Data are stored on-board in an 8 Gbit mass memory Baseline instrument memory allocations are: - SOT/FPP → 70% - EIS/XRT → 15% each Data downlinked to Svalbard ground station (ESA/Norway) on 15 orbits/day - memory dumped once per orbit EIS average data rate → 45 kbps - x 5 -7 greater with lossy compression Command uplinks only from Kagoshima Quick-look data at ISAS and Kagoshima

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Level-0 and Cal Data Level-2 Data (FPP) Level-0 Reformat Solar-B Database in Japan Solar- B Database in US Solar- B Database in UK FPP Level-1and-2 Reformat at Lockheed Solar-B Mission Data Distribution Data distributed to UK and US in compressed level – 0 form Because of complexity, FPP vector magnetogram data are transmitted in level – 0 form to Lockheed Palo Alto They are processed to level – 2; vector magnetograms are then sent to the UK and Japan

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Mission operations will be conducted from the ISAS Spacecraft Operations Centre in Fuchinobe, Japan Solar-B team observing plans and community proposals will be discussed at monthly meetings Each instrument team will have a Scientific Schedule Coordinator who will organize the preparation of instrument proposals and their integration in the overall mission observing plan Weekly and daily planning meetings allow flexibility to respond to changing solar conditions Solar-B Mission Operations

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Data Handling and Observation Planning

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning UK Data Processing, Storage and Availability

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning UK Solar-B Proposal Handling

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning UK Solar-B Data Centre (SDC) at MSSL The SDC will maintain:  analysis guides on-line for users of all three software sets  an helpdesk and web discussion site for community support  a record of Solar-B observing plans and schedules on the centre web site A software tool will be made available for preparation of observing proposals The UK SSC will help in this process by assisting the UK community in making contact with members of the other Solar-B instrument teams All Solar-B mission data will be archived at the SDC, stored at the Atlas Data Centre and made available through Grid networks e.g. Astrogrid Anticipated data volume for the three year mission life is ~ 25 Tbyte Relevant Solar-B software will be held at the SDC and periodically updated to reflect developments in the UK, US and in Japan

Solar-B Mission Timeline Pre-launch period will include planning, commanding and data acquisition rehearsals Observing with Solar-B, using any or all of EIS, XRT and SOT/FPP, will require the preparation of proposals These will be presented by the UK Scientific Schedule Coordinator (SSC) to the Solar-B team at the monthly planning meetings in Japan Review of operations will take place 18 months after mission start  Possibility for more remote operation for Solar-B from US and UK

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning SUMMARY Following SOHO CDS, the EIS instrument will provide the next steps in EUV spectral imaging of the corona: –x 10 enhancement in A eff from use of multilayers and CCDs –x 5 enhancement in spectral resolution –x 3 enhancement in spatial resolution –Like CDS; absolute calibration performed to ± 20% EIS will: –Address a broad range of coronal science topics –Enable major goals of Solar-B mission by relating coronal response to magnetic flux emergence and material flows

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning END OF TALK

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning 2Mbps max  1.3 Mbps EIS Data Flow CCD Readout Electronics EIS ICU Large hardware CCD window S/C MDP Small spectral window (25 max) Data compression DPCM(loss less) or 12bit-JPEG  250 kbps max for short duration,  40 kbps average Telemetry data format Average rate depends on number of downlink station. 1  slit obs. 40  slot obs. 250  slot obs. Spec.width Spatial width 256" 512" 256" No. of lines Compression 20% 20 % 20% Cadence 2 sec 5 sec 15 sec Rate 38.4 kbps 38.4 kbps 40 kbps 10 min cadence for 4  4 rastering Observation table control

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Comments to be added though I may not use this given its complexity – think I have a summary In words

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning EIS Instrument Pre-Calibration EIS Instrument Completed

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning EIS Optical Diagram Grating Front Baffle Entrance Filter Primary Mirror CCD Camera

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Spectroscopic Performance Long Wavelength Band Ne III lines near 267 Å from the NRL Ne–Mg Penning discharge source Gaussian profile fitting gives the FWHM values shown in the right-hand panel 57.7 mÅ 58.1 mÅ 57.9 mÅ  ~ 4600

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Spectroscopic Performance Short Wavelength Band Mg III lines near 187 Å from the NRL Ne–Mg Penning discharge source Gaussian profile fitting gives the FWHM values shown in the right-hand panel 47 mÅ  ~ 4000

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning EIS Sensitivity IonWavelength (A) logTN photons ARM2-Flare Fe X Fe XII / /21105/130 Fe XXI Fe XI / / 15110/47 Fe XXIV  10 4 Fe XII Ca XVII  10 3 Fe XII Fe XII / /16538/133 Fe XIII Fe XIII Fe XIII / /2038/114 Detected photons per 1  1  area of the Sun per 1 sec exposure. IonWavelength (A) logTN photons ARM2-Flare Fe XVI Fe XXII Fe XVII Fe XXVI  10 3 He II  10 3 Si X Fe XVI Fe XXIII  10 3 Fe XIV Fe XIV Fe XIV Fe XV  10 3

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning EIS Effective Area Primary and Grating: Measured- flight model data used Filters: Measured- flight entrance and rear filters CCD QE: Measured- engineering model data used Following the instrument end-to-end calibration, analysis suggests that the above data are representative of the flight instrument

2 nd UK Solar Missions Forum, UCL, 23/24 Feb, Mission Status, Operations and Planning Atomic Force Microscope Profile of Laminar Grating. Mean groove depth is 6.4 nm and the land width is 108 nm (4200 lines/mm) AFM profile of grating grooves in a 1 μm x 1 μm region near grating center for grating FL-8 Grating substrates fabricated by Zeiss - Holographic technique used to form a sinusoidal groove pattern - Ion beam etching used to shape laminar grooves and to achieve specified groove depth