Parallel Universes Perhaps one of the most interesting theories... By: Reichenbach, Priscilla B Abrams By: Reichenbach, Priscilla B Abrams
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Hugh Everett III 3. What is a Parallel Universe? 4. Many-Worlds Theory 5. Bohr 6. Radio Telescopes/Finding Evidence 7. String Theory 8. Physics and Primal Forces 9. Quantum Suicide 1o. Conclusion
Introduction In the 1950s, the idea of Parallel Universes, a.k.a. multiverses, was proposed. This idea of having distant universes identical to ours, but with different outcomes and slightly different event, is an interesting topic.Basically, proof of Parallel Universes could change science forever... I will be describing how the theory was first proposed, different theories of how Parallel Universes could work, and finding proof of these strange universes...
Hugh Everett III In 1954, a Prinston University graduate, Hugh Everett III, proposed the idea of parallel universes. There would be multiple universes that branch out from ours. They would be related to each other, but outcomes would be different. Many scientists think that it is silly to believe in these universes, however they are called ‘radical.’
What is a Parallel Universe? A parallel universe would be related to ours, but outcomes would be different.For instance, animals that are extinct in our world could be alive, maybe humans are extinct in a distant universe! If this theory is true, it would also help back up the idea of metaphysics. This may be just a theory, but gravity is a theory, too. You don’t see me floating all over the place,though.
Many-Worlds Theory The Many-Worlds Theory was developed when Everett wanted to answer why quantum matter behaved so oddly. The study of quantum physics began in the 1900s. Quantum physics would help explain possible proof of Parallel Universes. Areas contradict physical laws out there is space. This could operate differently than what we know... So many places in space conflict with Newton’s three main laws. Objects in motion seem to stay in motion unless acted upon by another force,however,somewhere in space is showing unusual activity. What could it be?
Bohr Neils Bohr, who also proposed a groundbreaking idea to how atoms are formed, also proposed an idea on how Parallel Universes could exist. Our observation on these weird areas in space that conflict laws of physics, changes how they react. For instance, the forces on the object change. This theory also leads to the idea that life is all in our heads. After all, if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Photons,tiny pockets of light, when we are observing them, take a solid form, but when we look away they become gas.
Radio Telescopes/Finding Evidence Using a Plank Telescope, Astronomers discovered a series of waves and bubbles. These bubbles could each represent a different universe, making proof of these mysterious dimensions ten times more likely! Even if these bubbles were real universes, we would never be able to explore them. The next step in science? To make a great radio telescope to find further evidence. Radio Telescopes are used to find waves in space. If we can’t hear, see, or feel something in space, these tools could find waves for proof of something there. Even if it is just a planet, a black hole, or another dimension.
String Theory A Japanese-American scientist, Dr. Michio Kaku developed the string theory. This theory states that all of gravity forms strings of quarks, similar to polymers built up by smaller molecules, therefore creating 11 different outcomes of everything that happens.
Physics and Primal Forces Physics and different forces have a lot to do with what is in space as well. The following video explains these forces existing in the universe and possibly new universes. forces-video.htm forces-video.htm>
Quantum Suicide Quantum immortality is one of the elements to quantum suicide. If a gun is used measuring quarks, the quarks will decide if the gun shoots depending on what motion they spin. If they spin counter clockwise, the gun will not shoot, even if loaded, making anyone near the gun, immortal to it. This is similar to how parallel universes could have different outcomes. An experiment was done to apply this. Quarks are some of the smallest masses in the universe, therefore these small things can affect what happens without us knowing. This applies to quantum physics as well.
Conclusion If parallel universes are real, it involves a lot of physics and astronomy to show how they work. Many scientists helped us discover how much we know about the universe and dark matter and quarks.
Bibliography Clark, Josh. "Do parallel universes really exist?" 17 October HowStuffWorks 9 May myths/parallel-universe.htm “Parallel Universes” 25 October Photobucket. 14 May Pxu, Emily “Conspiracy Memes” 1 Jan TheChucklesNetwork. 14 May Plotner, Tammy. “Radio Telescopes” 5 August UniverseToday Inc. Universe 14 May