Zoom In Inquiry! It costs a dime to look through this Bausch and Lomb high power telescope Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division
What do you notice? Describe what you see.
What could this be a picture of? Why do you think that?
Did your opinion change? How?
What could be going on in this picture?
What predictions are you making?
Did you get any new information to help you figure out what is happening? How did it help?
Describe what you see. Who is this?
Is this picture familiar?
What do you expect to see on the next slide?
What are you thinking now?
Fill in the last line of the poem…
Gregg, A. ( ). Little Miss Muffet... reading a picture book... / Gregg. Library of Congress: American Memory, By the People, For the People: Posters from the WPA, Little Miss Muffet... reading a picture book... / Gregg. Understanding the big picture. How did this picture help you predict and recall this familiar poem?
Denslow, W. W. (1901). Denslow's Mother Goose: Being the Old Familiar Rhymes and Jingles of Mother Goose / Edited and Illustrated by W.W. Denslow. New York: McClure, Phillips, (Image 22). Library of Congress: Research Centers, Rare Books & Special Collections Reading Room.Denslow's Mother Goose: Being the Old Familiar Rhymes and Jingles of Mother Goose / Edited and Illustrated by W.W. Denslow. New York: McClure, Phillips, (Image 22). Denslow, W. W. (1901). Denslow's Mother Goose: Being the Old Familiar Rhymes and Jingles of Mother Goose / Edited and Illustrated by W.W. Denslow. New York: McClure, Phillips, (Image 24). Library of Congress: Research Centers, Rare Books & Special Collections Reading Room.Denslow's Mother Goose: Being the Old Familiar Rhymes and Jingles of Mother Goose / Edited and Illustrated by W.W. Denslow. New York: McClure, Phillips, (Image 24). What do you notice about these two poems? How are they the same? How are they different?