Late 19 th Century Funerals
1880 wide variations in funeral thoughts and customs rapid transition to industrial/commercial large number of immigrants funeral mood in cities: formality rural: showed emotions funeral setting: “beauty”
Readings Question #1 Describe what was done when a death occurred in urban and rural late 19 th Century America.
Readings Question #2 In late 19 th Century America, where were most funerals held?
Readings Question #3 What did the undertaker do on his “firstcall”?
Readings Question #4 What information did the undertaker gather from the family when making the funeral arrangements?
Casket Selection catalog, displayroom/stockroom, manufacturer’s showroom wide range of styles and materials oak, mahogany, walnut, rosewood, metallic burial cases and caskets, metallic- glass combination delivery problems
Readings Question #5 Describe how a casket would be ordered and received in an urban and rural community. NYC: Rochester NY 20 hours Chicago- 30 hours, St. Louis 38 hours rural: local cabinetmaker
Readings Question #6 What were the legal obligations for the undertaker before burial or cremation could take place? Lincoln’s Funeral Procession May 4 th, 1865
Cemetery assist the family with selection grave lined or vault evergreen placed on edges of grave Child: fresh flowers
Readings Question #7 Describe the rural and urban “home and church funerals” of the late 19 th century in America. How were people notified of the death in these communities? funeral card funeral card
Post-mortem Photographs manwoman manwoman
Post-mortem Photograph child child
Late 19 th Century Mourning Symbols “gloom and formality” scarf/crepe on the door drape the room, veils in doorways servants: mourning clothes Black was the appropriate color for mourning.
Widow black clothing with dull finish for the first year after 2 years, ordinary clothes elderly widow end of 19 th century: white for “summer mourning”
Widower black suit with plain white linen shirt black: shoes, gloves, cuff-links, hat black crepe mourning band on hat mourning period: 1 year 2 nd year: grey clothing
Mourning Traditions 1 st 6 months: “deep mourning” widow’s stationery calling cards participants: black funeral sashes: “Pallbearer”, “Undertaker”, “IOOF”, “Masonic” friends: black or dark colors music: brass band, church bell
From “Gloom” to “Beauty” (1880) Caskets: more aesthetically appealing Flowers: placed around the casket Artificial Flowers: availability Gravestones: more ornate poems poems symbols of faith and hope symbols of faith and hope