First of all, I can’t take pictures of my neighborhood So I’m going to do the activity of comparatives with two bands of rock music and the activity about clothing appropiate and inappropriate with pictures of famous people :)
C OMPARATIVES Paramore and Simple Plan I love this two bands but I prefer Paramore because they have more differents sounds, the vocalist is a girl with a great voice, they have songs for every moment, love, break up, sad, happyness, etc. I love them, in fact they had a concert in Colombia two years ago on Bogotá and it was amazing!
A PPROPIATE AND I NAPPROPIATE In Hollywood is classic the red carpet’s for events like music awards, movie awards, the oscar’s, etc. Sometimes the attendes go to this event with dresses, suit’s, etc. Some of them wear appropiate clothes for this event but some of them wear inappropiate clothes.
A PPROPIATE This dresses are appropiate for the red carpet because there are formal and elegants.
I NAPPROP R IATE This dresses are so inappropiate for this event because there are not elegants and strangers.