International Association of Emergency Management Region 12 Survey Report: “Present Status and Future Trends” By IAEM Region 12 President Micheal Kemp
Who Responded: Students actively enrolled in Emergency Management or closely related degrees. N = 180 5% = Graduate (Doctorate) 46% = Graduate (Masters) 37% = Undergraduate 12% = Associate & Certificate
Who are emergency management students Who are emergency management students: First generation college students entering academia after spending some time in the work force. GENDER Male =65% Female =35% Marriage Status Yes=55% No=45%AGE 34≥ =56% =8% =15% 25≤ =21% Have Dependent Children
What students think about their program: 68% Have a positive view of their program. “I really enjoy having opportunities to apply what I am learning.” “We need more faculty and they need to be qualified to teach emergency management.” “I enjoy the program however, it could be so much better if the Professors had more support from administration.” “Classroom standards need to be raised so that it produces higher quality students.”
What students think about their Professors: 76% Have a positive view of their Professors. “I enjoy the Professors who have the education to teach and real world work experience. ” “There is a huge difference between teachers that are true Professors and those that are former emergency services personnel. While the former emergency services personnel brings a wealth of practical knowledge, they are often not qualified to teach.” “We need more Professors who have actually worked in the practical field.”
What are students saying about: Courses Courses 62% Have a positive view of course content and selection. “I believe the content is excellent, but I would like more autonomy in deciding which classes to take.” “I wish there was more flexibility to take additional classes.” “Very restrictive, in terms of what courses can be taken.” “Little wiggle room for advanced students to pursue areas of concentration.”
What are students saying about: Textbooks 70% Have a positive view of the textbooks utilized in their program. “The textbooks we have are good, but very few courses actually have them.” “Textbooks seem outdated.” “Our teachers are limited to which textbook they use because often it is the only one in the field.”
What are students saying about: Practical Experience “The academic program/school is ill-prepared to make placements.” “We wish we had more hands on, practical activities and learning experiences.” “We need more practical learning opportunities.” Have Held An Internship
Students research, publication and conference activity: Have received research funding. Yes =12% No=88% Have published one or more research papers. Yes =17% No =83% Have attended a professional conference. Yes =78% No =22% NOTE: 19% of those attending a conference presented! Participated in or Conducted Research (Graduate Students)
Issues keeping students from participating: Research Lack of funding opportunities. Lack of support from academic faculty. It is not stressed as part of their curriculum. They have not had the opportunity.
Issues keeping students from participating: Publications Libraries are insufficient for emergency management related research. There is limited opportunity due to few emergency management related journals. They have not been solicited to participate.
Issues keeping students from participating: Conferences University related conflicts (test, assignments, projects). Private life will not allow it (spouses, children, employment). Limited funding. They are invited strictly to observe, not participate. They do not have the level of confidence to present in an open forum.
What would you change in your program: Hire Professors that have "real life" emergency management experience. Add additional Professors (the Professors in the program are stretched too thin). Provide more opportunities to practically apply knowledge. Have fewer required courses and more course flexibility. Better prepare students for the academic process in the front- end of the program. e.g. research methods, library access, APA expectations etc.
What would you change in your program: A greater degree of support from administration. A united faculty that understood the program and what makes a good disaster manager. Incorporate more areas of emergency management (Public sector, non-profit, private, etc). Instill a higher level of difficulty in EM specific subject material. A greater demand for academic excellence.
What would you keep the same: Instructors with extensive field experience. Peer learning process. Instructors utilizing their practical experiences to reinforce course/lecture materials. Knowledgeable and interesting guest lecturers. The amount of responsibility given to students.
If you had the chance to address emergency management faculty concerning emergency management higher education, What would you tell them: “We want to learn, get us the support we need!” “Create more masters and doctorate level programs!” “Hire additional qualified faculty!” “We need accreditation and standardization!” “We need accreditation and standardization!”
Micheal Kemp International Association Emergency Managers Region 12 President North Dakota State University North Dakota State University Emergency Management Program Fargo, North Dakota