Getting Your Research Published Dr. Sri Talluri Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management SEMS Webinar- May 9, 2012
Bio Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University Department Editor- IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Associate Editor- Decision Sciences Journal, International Journal of Production Research, Production and Operations Management Journal Publications in IIE Transactions, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Operations Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Mgmt and others
Great Research = Publications So, we are done! Keys to Getting Your Research Published
Strong Training Selection of Research Topics Research Mentor Network Building Selection of Journals Packaging Your Research Perseverance Research Misconduct Keys to Getting Your Research Published
Strong Training Coursework Analytical (math modeling) Optimization, game theory, etc. Empirical Statistical methods, econometric methods Communication Skills Build excellent written skills
Research Interests What excites you? Avoid passé topics What is hot? Examples: SC risk management, sustainability, etc. Focus on: (what excites you) ∩ (hot areas) Selection of Topics
Who should you have as your mentor? Track record Visibility (Editor, DE, AE, ERB) Network Internal or external mentor Learn the publication process Research Mentor
Be active at conferences Review papers for top journals Get to know editors, DEs/AEs Attend sessions at conferences and make contacts (potential coauthors and reviewers) Ask your advisors to introduce you to top scholars in the field Network Building
Where should I target my research? Quantity vs. Quality All your work is not getting into top journals Be realistic! Portfolio of journals Do background research on the journal Topics published, review times, etc. Selection of Journals
Packaging! Packaging! Packaging! Introduction must excite the reviewer Motivate the problem- theoretical and practical importance Include all relevant literature Cite papers from the target journal Managerial implications of research Move mathematical proofs to the appendix Packaging your Research
Get expert opinions before submission Pay attention to journal style/format Select the appropriate DE/AE Comprehensive responses to reviewer comments Don’t take chances! Show the effort! Be respectful in your responses Navigating the Review Process
Get use to rejections! It happens to all of us Use comments to improve the paper Don’t sit on “revise and resubmits” Closure on papers is critical Build a strong pipeline Perseverance
Understand what entails research misconduct Falsifying data, authorship issues, plagiarizing, etc. Attend university seminars on ethics in research Don’t get into trouble! Research Misconduct (Very Important!)
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