JED Using the Job Explorer Data base
JED The Job explorer Database (JED) is a brilliant way to find about jobs. You can access it free via the college intranet from any computer in the college. This PowerPoint will show you some of the ways to use it, but the best way to explore the site and have a go yourself!
You can use it to research jobs and the skills or qualifications needed by… 1.Searching by a subject that interests you. 2.Searching for a specific job 3.Completing quizzes about your interests, skills, attributes, likes and dislikes. JED will use your answers to match you to jobs you might like!
Searching by subject Follow these instructions to find out how to use JED to search for jobs based on a subject that interests you.
Open the college intranet. Click on JED
Click on Subject Search
Choose Geography Now Click Search
Now you can click on links and begin to investigate
For more choices click on the long list.
Searching a Job Follow these instructions to find out how to use JED to research a particular job.
Open the college intranet. Choose resources Click on JED
Click on Search Jobs
You can serach by typing in the name of a job.
Type in the name of the job. Click Go!
Now you can click on links and begin to investigate!
Use the side menu to find out more about the job.
Or you can search by clicking on the first letter of a job!
Click on the first letter of the job.
Now you can click on links and begin to investigate! From a search by the first letter…
Using the Quizzes The 16 question quiz is quicker. (Quick Quiz) But The 55 question quiz will be more accurate! (Big Quiz)
Click on “Suits me quiz”.
Choose a Quiz.
Complete the sections of the quiz
When you’ve answered the questions. Click to find out the jobs that JED suggest you might like!
Now you can click on links and begin to investigate!
Use the side menu to find out more about the job.