1 Research Protocol (RP) Process MLS Management Team Meeting 14 February 2014 Julie Howell SSC Pacific
RP ACTIVITES REQUIRED │1 2 Start RP Process Review US Directives/ Instructions Prepare MLS Letters of Support 32 CFR 291 DODD ; DODI SECNAVINST D AFI Commanding Officers Department Heads Divisions Officers Commandants/ Deputy Commandants Obtain Learning Content Information Content Identification Length of content Expected duration time to participate in the evaluation Requirements (i.e., download app, etc.) 1
RP ACTIVITES REQUIRED │2 3 1 Obtain Testing Evaluation Information Identify SCO Interim Evaluation Participants Evaluation Procedures Testing & Evaluation Process Types of data collection Confidentiality Information Points-of-Contact What countries will be selected to participate? What US Schools will participate? Do the selected schools have their own IRB? Receive Letters of Support/Prepare SSC Pacific RP Request Letters of Supports will be required for participation 2 nd /3 rd Party IRB Approvals may be required Prepare SSC Pacific RP Request 2 Obtain addresses of SCO Interim Eval Participants Jacob Hodges will need to receive the address of SCO Interim Evaluation Participants Prepare SCO Interim Evaluation s
RP ACTIVITES REQUIRED │3 4 2 Send out SCO Interim Evaluation Welcome s Conduct SCO Interim Evaluation Send s 3-5 days before start of SCO Interim Evaluation SCO Interim Evaluation Data Collection Starts Draft SCO Interim Evaluation Report SCO Interim Evaluation Research Protocol Report of Findings and RP Results Start RP preparations for Concept Evaluation End of 1 st Process
RP ACTION ITEMS 5 ActivityPoint-of-ContactDue Date Identify how the MLS Letter of Support will be structured Dr. Mark Ahles Janie Glover 21 February 2014 Identify countries that will participate in SCO Interim Evaluation Dr. Mark Ahles Janie Glover 7 March 2014 Conduct a data pull of US Schools which have participants from the selected countries Tink L’Ecuyer21 March 2014 Determine if the schools selected have their own IRB or are allowed to use MLS IRB Julie Howell Jacob Hodges 1 April 2014 Receive IRB Approval Letters from schools participating in the SCO Interim Evaluation, if they have their own IRB Jacob Hodges25 April 2014