Slide #1 Computerised Transit Computer System Training Session Trader Application Users
Slide #2 CTCS Training Scope Familiarise the end user with the CTCS client Cover in detail the functionality of Trader at Departure Trader at Destination
Slide #3 CTCS Client Startup All you need is to open the browser and type the address in the Address Bar Sample address displayed below
Slide #4 CTCS Login The system allows access only to authorised users The combination TIN + login name is unique in the system
Slide #5 Application Main Menu On entrance the main application menu is displayed This is built dynamically on the User Rights Example: The user has full access to the trader at departure and the trader at destination functionality Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Slide #6 Trader at Departure Declaration –Entering a declaration in a number of ways (type in/load from file/template etc.) –Continue editing saved declarations Declaration Management –Simple and advanced declaration search facilities on a number of criteria Template Management –Creating/updating and removing declaration templates
Slide #7 Declaration Menu Input Declaration –Start a new blank declaration Continue Declaration –Retrieve a saved declaration and continue editing Edit Declaration –Reuse a submitted declaration as a template Load Declaration From File –Load one or more declarations from file Load Declaration From Template –Create new declaration from a template Delete Session –Remove a saved declaration
Slide #8 Input Declaration Ability to enter a new declaration Ability to save and/or submit the declaration
Slide #9 Input Declaration – Menu 1/2 Declaration Details –Information on the declaration and procedure type –the Departure/Destination and Transit Offices –the total values for items/packages and gross mass Traders –The details of Principal, Consignor, Consignee and Authorised Consignee Transport – Location Details –Information on the location of goods –Information on the transport means at departure and crossing border Seals – Guarantee Info –Information on Seals and Guarantees Goods Items –Detailed information on goods
Slide #10 Input Declaration – Menu 2/2 Write as Session –Save the declaration for later use Write as Template –Save the declaration as a template In both cases a unique ID is provided by the system
Slide #11 Input Declaration – Details Record Information on: –Loading Lists –Declaration Place –Type –Procedure –Departure Customs Office –Destination Customs Office –Transit Customs Office(s) –Total No of Items –Total No of Packages –Total Gross Mass –Containers
Slide #12 Input Declaration – Traders Record Information on –Consignor –Consignee –Authorised Consignee –Representative Display Principal Details
Slide #13 Input Declaration – Transport and Location Details Record information on –Transport Means at Departure and Crossing Border –Location of goods at Departure
Slide #14 Input Declaration – Seals and Guarantee Info Record Information on –Seals –Guarantees
Slide #15 Input Declaration – Goods Items 1/3 Get access to the goods items information Add/Remove Goods Items
Slide #16 Input Declaration – Goods Items 2/3 Record information on –Consignor –Consignee –Country of Dispatch/Destination –Gross/Net Mass –Declaration Type –Commodity Code –Sensitivity information
Slide #17 Input Declaration – Goods Items 3/3 Record Information on –Packages –Containers –Special Mentions –Produced Certificates –Previous Certificates
Slide #18 Continue Declaration Get access to saved draft declarations and retrieve for editing
Slide #19 Edit Declaration Use an existing declaration as a template Similar to the Copy Declaration function
Slide #20 Load Declaration From File 1/2 Ability to upload a declaration form a file File should contain the Declaration in XML format according to DDNTA structure Once uploaded the user can submit the declaration
Slide #21 Load Declaration From File 2/2 Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Slide #22 Load Declaration From Template Create a new declaration from a template System will list all available templates
Slide #23 Delete Session Ability to delete a saved declaration
Slide #24 Simple Search Ability to search on: –LRN –MRN –Status reached on period (Date FROM – TO) –Type –Procedure
Slide #25 Advanced Search In addition to simple criteria search on: –Customs Office of Departure –Customs Office of Destination
Slide #26 Search Results Step 1: Step 2:
Slide #27 Declaration Summary Summary of declaration information One click access to allowed actions Action menu built on the –Declaration status –User rights
Slide #28 Action Menu Displays the available actions for the selected declaration. These include the: –View Declaration –Copy Declaration –View History –View Results –Request Cancellation –Release Request –Print Accompanying Document The last depend on the declaration status
Slide #29 View Declaration Declaration displayed in read only form Information of IE29 or IE15 is displayed User can simply browse through
Slide #30 Copy Declaration Creates a copy of the declaration in memory New LRN is attached Declaration is available for editing User can save and/or submit the new declaration
Slide #31 Release Request Declaration should be Under Control The user just needs to indicate his/her agreement / disagreement with the minor discrepancies detected
Slide #32 Cancellation Request The user just needs to fill in the Cancellation Reason
Slide #33 Print Accompanying Document When a declaration is Released for Transit the Print Accompanying Document Option becomes available Accompanying document resides on Trader server User can download the document to client machine Document is then available for printing
Slide #34 View History Lists all messages exchanged Messages are time stamped State Transitions are recorded One click access to message contents
Slide #35 View Results One click access to the latest response by customs –IE16 –IE28 –IE29 –IE09 –IE62 –IE51 –IE45 Customs action might have been superceded by trader action
Slide #36 MRN Allocated (IE28) Declaration accepted for processing MRN allocated Trader can issue cancellation request
Slide #37 Under Control (IE60) Notification that Declaration will undergo control Trader can issue Release Request if minor discrepancies are detected during control Trader can still submit Cancellation Request
Slide #38 Release for Transit (IE29) 1/3 Movement has been Released for Transit No more actions by trader at departure are allowed Movement can still be cancelled on customs initiative Anticipated notification is IE45 (Write Off Notification)
Slide #39 Release for Transit (IE29) 2/3 Information content same as IE15 with the following extras: –Acceptance Date –Issuing Date –Any restrictions on the Itinerary –If control took place Control Result Seals Information (where appropriate)
Slide #40 Release for Transit (IE29) 3/3 Return Copies Customs Office
Slide #41 Cancelled (IE09) Decision to cancel a declaration either on customs initiative or on trader’s request Cancelled is a final state – no more actions on behalf of trader or customs
Slide #42 Cancellation Rejected (IE09) Decision to reject a cancellation request issued by a trader Declaration returns to previous state Processing at Customs continues as normal
Slide #43 Not Released for Transit (IE51) 1/2 Major Discrepancies have been found OR Minor discrepancies with which trader disagrees Movement won’t get released for transit This is a final state – no more actions are allowed
Slide #44 Not Released for Transit (IE51) Information why declaration has not been released for transit –No Release Motivation –Departure Control results –Results of Control at Header Level –Results of Control at Goods Item level This is a final state
Slide #45 Written Off (IE45) Movement has been Released from Transit This is a final state – no more actions are allowed
Slide #46 Template Management Ability to create, update and delete templates Same information recorded and same screens used as for IE15 (Declaration)
Slide #47 Trader at Destination Arrival Notification –New arrival notification (blank/from template) –Continue editing of unfinished notifications Movement Management –Search facilities on a number of criteria Template Management –Creating/modifying and deleting arrival notification templates Unloading Remarks –Continue work on unfinished unloading remarks
Slide #48 Arrival Notification Menu Input Arrival Notification –Start a new blank Arrival notification Continue Arrival Notification –Retrieve a saved notification and continue editing Edit Arrival Notification –Reuse a submitted notification as a template Load Arrival Notification From Template –Create new notification from a template Delete Session –Remove a saved notification
Slide #49 Input Arrival Notification
Slide #50 Input Arrival Notification – Menu 1/2 Arrival Notification Details –Information regarding the movement –Presentation Office reference number En Route Events –Information for each En Route Event (CTL Control, Incident Information, Seals Information, Transshipment, Containers)
Slide #51 Input Arrival Notification – Menu 2/2 Write as Session –Save the declaration for later use Write as Template –Save the declaration as a template In both cases a unique ID is provided by the system
Slide #52 Input Arrival Notification - Details Record Information on Movement Details
Slide #53 Input Arrival Notification – En Route Events
Slide #54 Continue Arrival Notification A list of all saved Arrival Notification input sessions is displayed. The user can select the session to be continued. The Input Arrival Notification screens appear, with the fields populated with the session’s data.
Slide #55 Edit Arrival Notification A list of all submitted Arrival Notifications is displayed. On selection, a copy will be created and the Input Arrival Notification screens will appear, with the fields populated with the selected notification’s data. User can save and/or submit the new notification
Slide #56 Load Arrival Notification from Template A list of all available Arrival Notification Templates is displayed. The user can select the template to be loaded. The Input Arrival Notification screens appear, with the fields populated with the template’s data
Slide #57 Delete Session The Delete option first it displays a list of all saved sessions. The user can select the session to be deleted.
Slide #58 Movement Management Simple Search –Search for movements using the following criteria: MRN, Movement Status, Procedure Type and Declaration Date. Advanced Search –Search for movements using the following criteria: MRN, Movement Status, Procedure Type, Declaration Date, Customs Office of Departure and Customs Office of Destination.
Slide #59 Simple Search
Slide #60 Advanced Search
Slide #61 Search Result List Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Slide #62 Movement Details Summary of movement information. The actions allowed for the movement are dependent on –Movement status –User rights
Slide #63 View Movement Movement is displayed in read only form User can simply browse through using the menu on the left
Slide #64 View History Lists all messages exchanged Messages are time stamped State Transitions are recorded One click access to message contents Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Slide #65 Edit Arrival Notification Creates a copy of the notification in memory Notification is available for editing User can save and/or submit the new notification
Slide #66 Template Management Create Template –Create an Arrival Notification Template. Update Template –Amend details of an existing Arrival Notification Template. Delete Template –Delete an existing Template.
Slide #67 Create Template It includes the same screens and menu options as in Input Arrival Notification. By pressing Write as Template a new template is created. The system displays the unique ID of the Template.
Slide #68 Update Template The Update option first it displays a list of all available Arrival Notification Templates. The user can select from this list the template to be updated. The same screens as with the Input Arrival Notification are then provided. An extra menu option “Update Template” is available in all screens.
Slide #69 Delete Template The Delete option first it displays a list of all available Arrival Notification Templates. The user can select the template to be deleted.
Slide #70 Logout To leave the application the user should select from the Logout menu option.
Slide #71 Who Am I The Who Am I functionality is available from the main menu It displays information about the user currently logged in
Slide #72 Change Password To change the password the user needs to select the Change Password menu option The user needs to provide the –Old Password –New Password –Confirm the New Password