Milestone 1 Meir Dalal Omer Vertman Lior Aschkenazy Ben Hoffman Tel Aviv University Blavatanik School of Computer Science Google Workshop for Web Technologies 2010
Previously on KosherCook Lior : A 20 years old student, semi – religious who lovessss to cook. Lior Wants to prepare a dinner for his good friends: Meir, Omer and Ben. He uses the internet for finding good recipes, kosher food is hard to find. KosherCook for the rescue !
Previously on KosherCook Omer : A 25 years old student, like the most of us, has almost nothing in his refrigerator. After Lior didn’t find a Kosher recipe on the net, Meir and Ben went to Omers place. Omer wants to make a tasty dinner with the products he has in his refrigerator. All the recipes he finds on the net include: “Saffron”, ”Coriander “, “Sesame oil” …… KosherCook for the rescue !
A live Demo
KosherCook Architecture Greeting Service Greeting Service Ingredients DataStore. java חיפוש רכיבים חוקיים במאגר חיפוש מתכונים במאגר Client Client Client Client רשימת רכיבים
The teams Client : 2 student. Easy things: clientRequest. clientResponse. Hard things: Passing objects between server and client. GUI.
The teams Server : The main work – 3 students. Easy things: Scanning a site and retrieve the needed text from it. Hard things: Extracting the ingredients from the text. Using the data-store and search recipes.
Expected features User Interface: Log in, to save your ingredients list and rate. (36 hours) Auto completion of ingredients names. (5 hours) * Add exclusions to ingredients. (6 hours) Filter search results by wanted types or keywords. (3 hours) Add pictures of ingredients. (6 hours) Server side: *Alternative ingredients – suggested by users. (10 hours) Suggest ingredients. (2 hours) *Estimated cook time. (8 hours) Site control – search multi sites / sites chosen by user. (30 hours) Offer recipes according to user’s rate and ingredients list analysis. (7 hours)
Milestone 2 We are o.k with schedule. Our estimation was good – we accomplished everything we wanted. Working on the other expected features. Working on “Do it pretty “. Working on the social aspects. Adding search options – “Lactose-intolerance cook”.