Computing and Statistical Data Analysis Comp 5: Object Oriented Programming Glen Cowan Physics Department Royal Holloway, University of London Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX G. Cowan / RHUL1Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Static memory allocation For completeness we should mention static memory allocation. Static objects are allocated once and live until the program stops. void aFunction(){ static bool firstCall = true; if (firstCall) { firstCall = false;... // do some initialization }... } // firstCall out of scope, but still alive The next time we enter the function, it remembers the previous value of the variable firstCall. (Not a very elegant initialization mechanism but it works.) This is only one of several uses of the keyword static in C++. G. Cowan / RHUL2Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Operator overloading Suppose we have two TwoVector objects and we want to add them. We could write an add member function: TwoVector TwoVector::add(TwoVector& v){ double cx = this->m_x + v.x(); double cy = this->m_y + v.y(); TwoVector c(cx, cy); return c; } To use this function we would write, e.g., TwoVector u = a.add(b); It would be much easier if would could simply use a+b, but to do this we need to define the + operator to work on TwoVector s. This is called operator overloading. It can make manipulation of the objects more intuitive. G. Cowan / RHUL3Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Overloading an operator We can overload operators either as member or non-member functions. For member functions, we include in the class declaration: class TwoVector { public:... TwoVector operator+ (const TwoVector&); TwoVector operator- (const TwoVector&);... Instead of the function name we put the keyword operator followed by the operator being overloaded. When we say a+b, a calls the function and b is the argument. The argument is passed by reference (quicker) and the declaration uses const to protect its value from being changed. G. Cowan / RHUL4Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Defining an overloaded operator We define the overloaded operator along with the other member functions, e.g., in : TwoVector TwoVector::operator+ (const TwoVector& b) { double cx = this->m_x + b.x(); double cy = this->m_y + b.y(); TwoVector c(cx, cy); return c; } The function adds the x and y components of the object that called the function to those of the argument. It then returns an object with the summed x and y components. Recall we declared x() and y(), as const. We did this so that when we pass a TwoVector argument as const, we’re still able to use these functions, which don’t change the object’s state. G. Cowan / RHUL5Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Overloaded operators: asymmetric arguments Suppose we want to overload * to allow multiplication of a TwoVector by a scalar value: TwoVector TwoVector::operator* (double b) { double cx = this->m_x * b; double cy = this->m_y * b; TwoVector c(cx, cy); return c; } Given a TwoVector v and a double s we can say e.g. v = v*s; But how about v = s*v; ??? No! s is not a TwoVector object and cannot call the appropriate member function (first operand calls the function). We didn’t have this problem with + since addition commutes. G. Cowan / RHUL6Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Overloading operators as non-member functions We can get around this by overloading * with a non-member function. We could put the declaration in TwoVector.h (since it is related to the class), but outside the class declaration. We define two versions, one for each order: TwoVector operator* (const TwoVector&, double b); TwoVector operator* (double b, const TwoVector&); For the definitions we have e.g. (other order similar): TwoVector operator* (double b, const TwoVector& a) { double cx = a.x() * b; double cy = a.y() * b; TwoVector c(cx, cy); return c; } G. Cowan / RHUL7Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Restrictions on operator overloading You can only overload C++’s existing operators: Unary: + - * & ~ ! > ->* Binary: + - * / & ^ & | > += -= *= /= %= ^= &= |= >= >= == != && ||, [] () new new[] delete delete[] Operator precedence stays same as in original. Too bad -- cannot replace pow function with ** since this isn’t allowed, and if we used ^ the precedence would be very low. Recommendation is only to overload operators if this leads to more intuitive code. Remember you can still do it all with functions. You cannot overload:..* ?: :: G. Cowan / RHUL8Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
A different “static”: static members Sometimes it is useful to have a data member or member function associated not with individual objects but with the class as a whole. An example is a variable that counts the number of objects of a class that have been created. These are called static member functions/variables (yet another use of the word static -- better would be “class-specific”). To declare: class TwoVector { public:... static int totalTwoVecs(); private: static int m_counter;... }; G. Cowan / RHUL9Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Static members, continued Then in (note here no keyword static ): int TwoVector::m_counter = 0; // initialize TwoVector::TwoVector(double x, double y){ m_x = x; m_y = y; m_counter++; // in all constructors } int TwoVector::totalTwoVecs() { return m_counter; } Now we can count our TwoVector s. Note the function is called with class-name:: and then the function name. It is connected to the class, not to any given object of the class: TwoVector a, b, c; int vTot = TwoVector::totalTwoVecs(); cout << vTot << endl; // prints 3 G. Cowan / RHUL10Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Oops #1: digression on destructors The totalTwoVec function doesn’t work very well, since we also create a new TwoVector object when, e.g., we use the overloaded +. The local object itself dies when it goes out of scope, but the counter still gets incremented when the constructor is executed. We can remedy this with a destructor, a special member function called automatically just before its object dies. The name is ~ followed by the class name. To declare in TwoVector.h : public: ~TwoVector(); // no arguments or return type And then we define the destructor in : TwoVector::~TwoVector(){ m_counter--; } Destructors are good places for clean up, e.g., deleting anything created with new in the constructor. G. Cowan / RHUL11Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Oops #2: digression on copy constructors The totalTwoVec function still doesn’t work very well, since we should count an extra TwoVector object when, e.g., we say TwoVector v; // this increments m_counter TwoVector u = v; // oops, m_counter stays same When we create/initialize an object with an assignment statement, this calls the copy constructor, which by default just makes a copy. We need to write our own copy constructor to increment m_counter. To declare (together with the other constructors): TwoVector(const TwoVector&); // unique signature It gets defined in : TwoVector(const TwoVector& v) { m_x = v.x(); m_y = v.y(); m_counter++; } G. Cowan / RHUL12Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Class templates We defined the TwoVector class using double variables. But in some applications we might want to use float. We could cut/paste to create a TwoVector class based on float s (very bad idea -- think about code maintenance). Better solution is to create a class template, and from this we create the desired classes. template // T stands for a type class TwoVector { public: TwoVector(T, T); // put T where before we T x(); // had double T y();... }; G. Cowan / RHUL13Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Defining class templates To define the class’s member functions we now have, e.g., template TwoVector ::TwoVector(T x, T y){ m_x = x; m_y = y; m_counter++; } template T TwoVector ::x(){ return m_x; } template void TwoVector ::setX(T x){ m_x = x; } With templates, class declaration must be in same file as function definitions (put everything in TwoVector.h ). G. Cowan / RHUL14Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
Using class templates To use a class template, insert the desired argument: TwoVector dVec; // creates double version TwoVector fVec; // creates float version TwoVector is no longer a class, it’s only a template for classes. TwoVector and TwoVector are classes (sometimes called “template classes”, since they were made from class templates). Class templates are particularly useful for container classes, such as vectors, stacks, linked lists, queues, etc. We will see this later in the Standard Template Library (STL). G. Cowan / RHUL15Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Comp 5
The Standard C++ Library We’ve already seen parts of the standard library such as iostream and cmath. Here are some more: What you #include What it does useful algorithms (sort, search,...) complex number class a linked list a stack (push, pop, etc.) proper strings (better than C-style) often used instead of arrays Most of these define classes using templates, i.e., we can have a vector of objects or of type double, int, float, etc. They form what is called the Standard Template Library (STL). G. Cowan / RHUL16Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Using vector Here is some sample code that uses the vector class. Often a vector is better than an array. #include using namespace std; int main() { vector v; // uses template double x = 3.2; v.push_back(x); // element 0 is 3.2 v.push_back(17.0); // element 1 is 17.0 vector u = v; // assignment int len = v.size(); for (int i=0; i<len; i++){ cout << v[i] << endl; // like an array } v.clear(); // remove all elements... G. Cowan / RHUL17Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Sorting elements of a vector Here is sample code that uses the sort function in algorithm : #include using namespace std; bool descending(double x, double y){ return (x>y); } int main() {... // u, v are unsorted vectors; overwritten by sort. // Default sort is ascending; also use user- // defined comparison function for descending order. sort(u.begin(), u.end()); sort(v.begin(), v.end(), descending); G. Cowan / RHUL18Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Iterators To loop over the elements of a vector v, we could do this: vector v =... // define vector v for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ cout << v[i] << endl; } G. Cowan / RHUL19Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7 Alternatively, we can use an iterator, which is defined by the vector class (and all of the STL container classes): vector v =... // define vector v vector ::iterator it; for (it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it){ cout << *it << endl; } vector ’s begin and end functions point to the first and last elements. ++ tells the iterator to go to the next element. * gives the object (vector element) pointed to (note no index used).
Using string Here is some sample code that uses the string class (much better than C-style strings): #include using namespace std; int main() { string a, b, c; string s = "hello"; a = s; // assignment int len = s.length(); // now len = 5 bool sEmpty = s.empty(); // now sEmpty = false b = s.substring(0,2); // first position is 0 cout << b << endl; // prints hel c = s + " world"; // concatenation s.replace(2, 3, "j!"); // replace 3 characters // starting at 2 with j! cout << s << endl; // hej!... G. Cowan / RHUL20Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Inheritance Often we define a class which is similar to an existing one. For example, we could have a class class Animal { public: double weight(); double age();... private: double m_weight; double m_age;... }; G. Cowan / RHUL21Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Related classes Now suppose the objects in question are dogs. We want class Dog { public: double weight(); double age(); bool hasFleas(); void bark(); private: double m_weight; double m_age; bool m_hasFleas;... }; Dog contains some (perhaps many) features of the Animal class but it requires a few extra ones. The relationship is of the form “X is a Y”: a dog is an animal. G. Cowan / RHUL22Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Inheritance Rather than redefine a separate Dog class, we can derive it from Animal. To do this we declare in Dog.h #include "Animal.h" class Dog : public Animal { public: bool hasFleas(); void bark();... private: bool m_hasFleas;... }; Animal is called the “base class”, Dog is the “derived class”. Dog inherits all of the public (and “protected”) members of Animal. We only need to define hasFleas(), bark(), etc. G. Cowan / RHUL23Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Polymorphism, virtual functions, etc. We might redefine a member function of Animal to do or mean something else in Dog. This is function “overriding”. (Contrast this with function overloading.) We could have age() return normal years for Animal, but “dog years” for Dog. This is an example of polymorphism. The function takes on different forms, depending on the type of object calling it. We can also declare functions in the base class as "pure virtual" (or "abstract"). In the declaration use the keyword virtual and set equal to zero; we do not supply any definition for the function in the base class: virtual double age() = 0; This would mean we cannot create an Animal object. A derived class must define the function if it is to create objects. G. Cowan / RHUL24Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Compiling and linking with gmake For our short test programs it was sufficient to put the compile and link commands in a short file (e.g. ). For large programs with many files, however, compiling and linking can take a long time, and we should therefore recompile only those files that have been modified. This can be done with the Unix program make (gnu version gmake ). Homepage Manual ~150 pages (many online mini-tutorials). Widely used in High Energy Physics (and elsewhere). G. Cowan / RHUL25Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Why we use gmake Suppose we have : #include "goodbye.h" int main() { cout << "Hello world" << endl; goodbye(); } as well as : #include "goodbye.h" using namespace std; void goodbye() { cout << "Good-bye world" << endl; } and its prototype in goodbye.h. G. Cowan / RHUL26Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Simple example without gmake Usually we compile with g++ -o hello which is really shorthand for compiling and linking steps: Now suppose we modify To rebuild, really we only need to recompile this file. But in general it’s difficult to keep track of what needs to be recompiled, especially if we change a header file. Using date/time information from the files plus user supplied information, gmake recompiles only those files that need to be and links the program. g++ -c g++ -c g++ -o hello hello.o goodbye.o G. Cowan / RHUL27Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Simple example with gmake The first step is to create a “makefile”. gmake looks in the current directory for the makefile under the names GNUmakefile, makefile and Makefile (in that order). The makefile can contain several types of statements, the most important of which is a “rule”. General format of a rule: target : dependencies command The target is usually the name of a file we want to produce and the dependencies are the other files on which the target depends. On the next line there is a command which must always be preceded by a tab character (spaces no good). The command tells gmake what to do to produce the target. G. Cowan / RHUL28Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Simple example with gmake, cont. In our example we create a file named GNUmakefile with: If we type gmake without an argument, then the first target listed is taken as the default, i.e., to build the program, simply type gmake or gmake hello We could also type e.g. gmake goodbye.o if we wanted only to compile hello : hello.o goodbye.o g++ -o hello hello.o goodbye.o hello.o : goodbye.h g++ -c goodbye.o : goodbye.h g++ -c G. Cowan / RHUL29Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
gmake refinements In the makefile we can also define variables (i.e., symbols). E.g., rather than repeating hello.o goodbye.o we can define When gmake encounters $(objects) it makes the substitution. objects = hello.o goodbye.o hello : $(objects) g++ -o hello $(objects)... We can also make gmake figure out the command. We see that hello.o depends on a source file with and a header file with suffix.h. Provided certain defaults are set up right, it will work if we say e.g. hello.o : goodbye.h G. Cowan / RHUL30Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
gmake for experts makefiles can become extremely complicated and cryptic. Often they are hundreds or thousands of lines long. Often they are themselves not written by “humans” but rather constructed by an equally obscure shell script. The goal here has been to give you some feel for what gmake does and how to work with makefiles provided by others. Often software packages are distributed with a makefile. You might have to edit a few lines depending on the local set up (probably explained in the comments) and then type gmake. We will put some simple and generalizable examples on the course web site. G. Cowan / RHUL31Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Debugging your code You should write and test your code in short incremental steps. Then if something doesn’t work you can take a short step back and figure out the problem. For every class, write a short program to test its member functions. You can go a long way with cout. But, to really see what’s going on when a program executes, it’s useful to have a debugging program. The current best choice for us is probably ddd (DataDisplayDebugger) which is effectively free (gnu license). ddd is actually an interface to a lower level debugging program, which can be gdb. If you don’t have ddd installed, try xxgdb. G. Cowan / RHUL32Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Using ddd The ddd homepage is There are extensive online tutorials, manuals, etc. To use ddd, you must compile your code with the -g option: g++ -g -o MyProg Then type ddd MyProg You should see a window with your program’s source code and a bunch of controls. G. Cowan / RHUL33Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
When you start ddd From the ddd online manual: G. Cowan / RHUL34Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Running the program Click a line of the program and then on “Break” to set a break point. Then click on “Run”. The program will stop at the break point. G. Cowan / RHUL35Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Stepping through the program To execute current line, click next. Put cursor over a variable to see its value. For objects, select it and click Display. You get the idea. Refer to the online tutorial and manual. G. Cowan / RHUL36Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7
Wrapping up the C++ course Considering we’ve only been at it 5 weeks, we’ve seen a lot: All the main data types and control structures How to work with files Classes and objects Dynamic memory allocation, etc., etc., etc. OK, we’ve glossed over many details and to really use these things you may have to refer back to the literature. In addition we’ve seen the main elements of a realistic linux-based programming environment, using tools such as gmake and ddd. Next we start probability and statistical data analysis. This will give us many opportunities to develop and use C++ analysis tools. G. Cowan / RHUL37Computing and Statistical Data Analysis / Lecture 7