ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Abby Bruno History/Benjamin Franklin 4th The News of Electricity
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: Students will learn and understand who the founder of electricity is. They will understand this better by hearing everybody’s own interepretations. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: Students will: Comprehend where and by whom electricity was discovered. Research on their own to gain knowledge of what interests them about the topic. Process/Skills: Students will: Create a final product with information learned in class expressing their knowledge. Values/Dispositions: Students will: Have the opportunity to create a product in a way that best suits their learning type.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: Electricity is something that students use each day of their lives. It is important that they understand where it came from and how it works. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards 16.A.2c Ask questions and seek answers by collecting and analyzing data from historic documents, images and other literary and non-literary sources. 16.B.2b (US) Identify major causes of the American Revolution and describe the consequences of the Revolution through the early national period, including the roles of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. 16.C.2b (US) Explain how individuals, including John Deere, Thomas Edison, Robert McCormack, George Washington Carver and Henry Ford, contributed to economic change through ideas, inventions and entrepreneurship 16.E.2b (W) Identify individuals and their inventions (e.g., Watt/steam engine, Nobel/TNT, Edison/electric light) which influenced world environmental history. National – NCSS Themes Time, Continuity, and Change; People, Places, and Environments; Science, Technology, and Society
Logical/Mathematical The teacher will teach about the findings of electricity and Benjamin Franklin. After the lesson is complete, students will make a timeline of events leading up to the finding of electricity. This can be strictly a timeline in technology as the years progress. Students can research more information to add to this if they did not learn enough in class. Students can make this by hand or use a computer website or application to make their timeline. Students will present their final product to the class and share their findings.
Verbal/Linguistic Students will create a newsletter expressing what they learned in class about electricity and Benjamin Franklin. They will act as if they are writing it in the year 1752 when electricity was found. Students should include 5 facts about Benjamin Franklin and the whole story of his finding of electricity. Students can research more information like how reporters wrote and the type of vocabulary used. They can make this by hand on a poster or use an online application to create a newspaper look. Students will present their final product to the class to explain why the did the project they did and all of their facts about electricity.
Musical/Rhythmic Students will create a song or a rap about Benjamin Franklin and electricity. They must include information about Benjamin Franklin’s life as well as the whole story of his finding of electricity. Students can present this to the class live as a concert or they can use a video recorder or some type of computer application to record it. They will then present their song or rap to the class.
Visual/Spatial Students will create a cartoon telling the story of how Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. They will also underneath have to write facts about Benjamin Franklin. Drawings should be accurate in clothing and appearance for the time when it occurred. Students can either draw the cartoon out by hand or use a computer application to create their cartoon. Students will present their creation to the class and explain why and how they completed their project.
Body/Kinesthetic Students can work individually or as a group to create a play to act out the story of Benjamin Franklin’s finding of electricity. They must include the full story of how electricity was found and a few facts about Benjamin Franklin himself. Students must wear clothes that resemble what people would wear in 1752 to help other students visualize better. Students may act the play out in front of the class when presenting or record themselves acting it out on some computer application to show to the class.
Interpersonal Students will write a basic research paper on Benjamin Franklin and his findings of electricity. Students must include the whole story of how he came upon this finding as well as facts about Franklin’s life. They should include what people wore during this time and other interesting facts that may be important. Students should reach out to outside sources find more information. Students will create a presentation to tell the class some of the information they found.
Intrapersonal Students will pretend to be Benjamin Franklin for this assignment. They will create a diary entry about his exploration of electricity. They are to include the full story of how he discovered electricity as well as facts about himself. Students can reach out to outside sources to find more information. Students will be presenting their completed product to the class and share the information they found important and learned.
Naturalistic Students will find pictures from their everyday life or their own personal photographs. They must apply these pictures to the story of Benjamin Franklin. They must make the story flow so that their pictures could tell the story. They can either glue these pictures and write underneath the pictures to make a story or compile them into a document on the computer. They must present their final product to the class.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual Learning and Assessment: Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Visual Learning: Assessment: I will be able to assess my students based on how much information they have compiled into their final product. I made each one so that they must tell the full story of Benjamin Franklin and include 5 facts about him and the time period he lived in. Students will receive 100% if they complete both those things in their final product. Online Resources: