The History of ISAP William A. Craig Symposium Madison, 2008 Otto Cars Uppsala University Sweden
What has Iceland to do with the birth of ISAP ?
What has Guiseppe Verdi to do with the birth of ISAP?
What has this man to do with the birth of ISAP ?
It all began in 1986 after a symposium in Reykjavik, Iceland
It all began in 1986 after a symposium in Reykjavik, Iceland after which we visited
The Icelandic Opera and saw a performance of …
Verdi…… Verdi…
And after that we went to Hotel Saga to have a few soft drinks and discuss to start an internatonal collaboration on dosing of antibiotics
Through the inspiration of the performance, we decided that the acronym of the group should be that of a Verdi opera We tried: FALSTAFF: Federaton for Antibiotics and Like Substances To Achieve Further Facts OTELLO: Organization to Terminate Every Little Living Organism AIDA:Association for Improvement of Dosing of Antibioics
The Association for Improvement of Dosing of Antibiotics
1990 Stockholm The first International Symposium on the Pharmadodynamics of Antibiotics
AIDA becomes ISAP
Berlin 1991
Madison 1991
Integrated symposia Satellite symposia Educational workshops Conferences
Workshops - History In 2000, the first ISAP educational workshop was held in 2000 during ECCMID as a separate event. There were entryfees to cover the cost. These were the times of slides – no ppt. Handouts we provided and prepared : a suitcase was brought to the conferences. In the same year the first ISAP educational workshop was held at ICAAC Toronto A one day workshop with 5 speakers. Since then (2000), workshops have been held a every ECCMID and ICAAC. It is now integrated in ECCMID. The ICAAC workshop has now two afternoon sessions and includes more than 10 speakers.
Regulation Standardization
Points to consider on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics inthe development of antibacterial medicinal products (CPMP/EWP/2655/99) There is a mounting body of evidence to support the use of PK/PD relationship for individual antibacterial agents oin identifying those doses and dose intervals that are most likely to be efficacious and least likely to result in adverse effects and/or the selection of resistant organisms. ISAP-EMEA meeting Wiks Castes sweden
It is time above MIC………
“It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin … …. The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops. Then there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.” Alexander Fleming's Nobel Lecture, 1945
Optimal antibiotic dosage EfficacyToxicityResistance
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