Test formulation Copper red 6,64 Effect of emollients on dye rinse-off behavior Method: addition of 1 % emollient to finished hair dye cream evaluation of dye rinse-off in water ( 5 washes on hair tresses with each 10 ml standard shampoo)
Test procedure 30 min color treatment 1 rinse with water 4 rinse with acidic shampoo (pH 4.5) After 24h 5 X wash with shampoo (10 ml shampoo in 250 ml water) RT colorimetry by Minolta CR 300 Shampoo composition SLES/CAPB/Protein surfactant 10 / 1 /0.3 pH 6 BeforeAfter 5 shampooCopper Red 6,64
L value of shampoo solutions (mean of 3 tests) Shampoo washes: Evaluation of dye rinse-off in water
Color difference on locks after 5 washes Conclusion: Cetiol CC reduces dye wash-off behavior
L value of shampoo solutions (mean of 2 tests) Shampoo washes: Evaluation of dye rinse-off in water
Color difference on locks after 5 washes Conclusion: Cetiol CC reduces dye wash-off behavior