LC Berlioz Test You are about to answer 30 questions about the vocabulary you need to know for the LEAVING CERT EXAM. You will see a key word or a definition and you will have to write your answer in 10 seconds. Then you will get the answer and the next slide will appear. Good luck!
What is a Symphony? Work for large scale orchestra
What is Programme Music? Music which is narrative or descriptive
Who composed Symphony Fantastique? Berlioz
Name 2 features of Berlioz’s writing? Large Scale Orchestra Lyrical Melodies Phrases Irregular Lots of Polyphonic movement
Name the 2 movements Un Ball Marche au Supplice
What is the Leitmotiv Recurring melody – Idee Fixe
Key and time sig of Un Bal 3/8 A Major
Key and time sig of March au Supplice 4/4 G Minor
Form Un Bal ABA1
Un Bal – How many themes? Four 1a, 1b and 1c Idee Fixe
Where does Idee Fixe Occur in Un Bal? What Key? Who plays? Section B – Flute and Oboe – F Major Section A1 – Clarinet – F Major
Sing 1a
Sing 1b
Sing 1c
Form March au Supplice Sonata Intro Expo Dev 1 Dev 2 Coda
Name Themes in Marche au Supplice Descending March Theme Idee Fixe
Sing Descending Theme
Range of Descending Theme 2 OCTAVES
Sing 2 counter-subjects played against Descending Theme
Key March Theme Bb Major
Development 2 what happens to Descending Theme Inverted
What happens in the Coda Idee Fixe
What key does Movt IV end? G Major
What is a pedal note? Long sustained note anchoring the harmony.
Dynamics in Berlioz? Extreme
What does divisi mean? Divided sections of instruments
Sequences Repeating a rhythmic or melodic pattern up or down
Contrary Motion Moving opposite directions
Antiphonal Call and response
Polyphonic give other names? Contrapuntal Canon