Common Application Software
MS Word Some advanced use : Mail-merge Self-made Templates Macro (recording and running)
Mail-merge Edit a main document Create a data source May be excel, database, or text files separated by TABs or special characters (e.g. “, ” ), or created in mail-merge option Concept of fields and records Merge to Printer, or Document
Practical Download the document from computer CIT invitation.doc Go to MS Access, enter data as in document Guests.doc into the database file guests.mdb
Guests.mdb Open MS Access Save as guests.mdb In design option, right click and import data Choose text file and open guests.txt Use tab marker/delimiter to separate fields Select first line as title/field row
Mail-merge Go back to invitation.doc Click tools mail-merge Choose editing window and the form letter Open data source guests.mdb guests table Insert fields at suitable position In (for parents) and (for guests) paragraph, use (if..then..else) function
Mail-merge – if..then..else
Editing Database In MS Access, open guests.mdb Select guest table, then click DESIGN Add a field address Character/string type 20 characters Go back and then open the table Enter addresses for the records Enter one more record
Modifying database structure
Mail-merge - insert fields