Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS)
A combination of the subjects …. Principles of Accounts at HKCEE & HKALE levels plus Commerce at HKCEE level plus Business Studies at HKALE level
Learning elements of BAFS include.. Compulsory Part 40% 1.Business environment 2.Introduction to management 3.Introduction to Accounting 4.Basics of personal financial management* Elective Part 60% Either Accounting module (including financial accounting and cost accounting) Or Business management module
Assessment objectives of BAFS Students should have abilities to:- 1.demonstrate knowledge and understanding of different areas of business; 2.apply such knowledge and understanding to familiar and novel situations;
3.analyse, synthesise and evaluate information in the context of business decisions, taking into account the integrated and dynamic nature of business problems; and 4.communicate facts, opinions and suggestions in an effective manner.
Public examination Paper 1 – 1 hour 15 mins Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 mins including… -multiple choice questions, -short questions, -application problems and -case/ theory questions
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