Current Research Information Systems in Greece Dr Nikos Houssos National Documentation Centre (EKT) / National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) Dr Nikos Houssos National Documentation Centre (EKT) / National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)
Agenda About the National Documentation Centre CRIS systems in Greece Important issues for CRIS development
NDC activities and role Part of National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) - oldest research centre in Greece Research and technology content and services: –National doctoral theses archive 13,000+ theses on line, pages in total Both born digital and digitized material –National archive for variety of DBs and all research journals – both in print and electronic ones. –Union catalogues of journals that Greek Academic Libraries subscribe, municipal libraries etc. –Digitization services for cultural and scientific content –Development of CRIS - research results dissemination Services for the academic/research community: –International cooperation, Enterprise Europe Network, National Contact Point for FP7, research metrics extraction
National Documentation Centre – CRIS related activities Has been building CERIF-compliant CRIS since 2002 Since early 2007 runs a funded project related mainly to open access infrastructures –Institutional repository of NHRF –5 open access journals A part of the project concerns enhancements on existing CRIS Funding for developing open access systems and CRIS is (practically) secured for at least two more years, beginning 2009
Greek Research Groups Database Attempt to create a register of all greek research groups/labs in universities and research institutes Data collected by a survey research company Numbers: 8500 researchers, 1400 organisations, 4000 publications In pilot operation (greek-only Built on the CERIF database schema Implementation technology: Java EE
Research Projects with Greek Participation Information about R & D projects with greek participation. Data collected from project databases: –CORDIS –National bodies Built on the CERIF database schema - individual schemas mapped to CERIF In operation (greek-only, Implementation technology: Java EE
NISNEST database – researchers and organisations from Eastern Europe Part of the NISNEST project - aims to strengthen the cooperation between the EU Member States and the Eastern European countries in the areas of frontier and high risk research Mainly data from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova Data collection methods: –Self-submission by researchers –Information extracted from event registration forms Numbers: ~600 researchers and ~170 organisations In operation ( CERIF-based database schema with certain additions. Basic faceted browsing functionality Implementation technology: Ruby on Rails
Database of researchers and organisations in humanistic studies and natural sciences Part of the efforts to promote open access journals Researchers and organisations from all over the world Data collected from various sources in the Internet Numbers: ~1400 researchers and ~150 organisations In operation ( Non-CERIF database schema, can be mapped to CERIF XML. Basic faceted browsing functionality in development Implementation technology: Ruby on Rails
Mapping of Greek Women in Research Creation of a register of greek women researchers. Data solicited from universities and research centres Additional data collected through questionnaires completed directly by researchers Numbers: More than 3000 researchers, 80 organisations System not public (contractual requirement)
Experiences with CERIF Model is quite complete – mapping from arbitrary schemas to CERIF without significant loss of information Needed to extend the CERIF schema in some cases Interoperability at the database schema level – in some case not the best choice –Example: flexibility of Ruby on Rails not utilised Support for other databases desirable –MySQL, PostGreSQL
Important issues for now and the future (1) Efficient data collection –Automated ingest/update from available sources (e.g., people, publications, organisations, projects) –Need to ensure availability of sources (e.g., CORDIS, national sources) Enhance user experience –Faceted browsing –Advanced visualisation –Mashups based on CRIS data Data quality –Data cleaning (e.g., de-duplication)
Important issues for now and the future (2) Interoperability among CRIS –Harvesting of CRIS data –Cross-CRIS search, browsing Interoperation with institutional repositories CRIS role in the implementation of research assessment systems Semantic web technologies
More info nhoussos AT